Was Prigozhin’s Rebellion Live or Memorex?
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 7 months ago to Politics
"In no way was this an organic affair. It’s been building for months. But what’s been building?
A guy like Prigozhin could easily become massively disheartened with Russia’s leadership. Could it be to the point of him taking up arms against Putin? Well, that’s certainly what a lot of people wanted us to believe this weekend.
And I’m in no way suggesting that it isn’t possible or even probable. It is the most likely story.
Now factor in the stories floating around out there that Prigozhin was bribed with billions for Wagner to stage his insurrection. Would anyone be surprised by this if it were ever found out?
What? the CIA with suitcases of cash for some foreign malcontent with delusions of grandeur?
The deuce you say!!
Remember folks, since we live in a world of dis- if not mal-information we have to concoct stories that fit what few facts we have along with assessing such basic things as motive, means and opportunity."
Keep reading at the link.
Some very interesting speculation here ...
"In no way was this an organic affair. It’s been building for months. But what’s been building?
A guy like Prigozhin could easily become massively disheartened with Russia’s leadership. Could it be to the point of him taking up arms against Putin? Well, that’s certainly what a lot of people wanted us to believe this weekend.
And I’m in no way suggesting that it isn’t possible or even probable. It is the most likely story.
Now factor in the stories floating around out there that Prigozhin was bribed with billions for Wagner to stage his insurrection. Would anyone be surprised by this if it were ever found out?
What? the CIA with suitcases of cash for some foreign malcontent with delusions of grandeur?
The deuce you say!!
Remember folks, since we live in a world of dis- if not mal-information we have to concoct stories that fit what few facts we have along with assessing such basic things as motive, means and opportunity."
Keep reading at the link.
Some very interesting speculation here ...
"Russia Update
That alleged “coup” against Vladimir Putin provided the news channels with a weekend of non-Trump news to obsess over, but it appears to have come to nothing. Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of the Wagner Group mercenaries who were threatening Moscow, struck a deal to return to Ukraine. Putin reportedly agreed to deploy the majority of Wagner troops to Africa instead of Russia or Ukraine. And Prigozhin allegedly received a promise that there would be no retribution against him, which I guess he actually believes. Let me be the first to say it: “Prigozhin did not commit suicide!”
This leaves the Biden State Department in a pickle since they were about to put sanctions on the Wagner Group’s gold business in Africa, but called that off because they didn’t want to be seen as assisting the violent thug Putin by sanctioning the violent thugs who were trying to topple him. That petered out so fast, it’s not clear which violent thugs they’ll be helping. Or maybe the conspiracy theorists are right, and this whole aborted coup was just a false flag scheme by Putin to (pick one) make himself look invincible, or trick the US into not sanctioning Wagner, or (make up your own here; it will probably make just as much sense as any other explanation for this.)"
Later Merkel confirmed she was negotiation in bad faith. And learning that the USA is now so bad at negotiation in good faith that the PLO/Arafat is BLUSHING when we speak!
The astonishing thing to me, at this point, is how does a group like Wagner (est. 50,000 strong! - we're talking serious resources here!) get formed on the world stage and I've never heard of it until now.
I hadn't either until the Ukraine action started last year.
Our news sources are incomplete, biased, manipulated, lacking in journalistic abilities, brainwashed, woke, etc.
In my experience, the alternative sources who might be more likely to expose the truth might not have connections inside Russia that are reliable.
I wonder if even the Russian people had heard of Wagner as a military force since apparently they were used outside Russia in the past.
Did you think there were 35,000 FBI employees, 5,000 BATF employees, 240,000 Fatherland Security employees, 32,000 NSA employees,
290,000 DoD Contractor FTEs, ??,??? CIA employees?
Hmmmm, just a thought, maybe if we can throw the commies out of DC we can hire Wagner to patrol our southern border. Oh wait, being mercenaries they may accept payment from the cartels to look the other way - same as we apparently have now.
It's 100% Deep State narrative about Russia in Western media, from far-Right to far-Left, wall-to-wall disinformation.
I only read RT COM and Pravda RU (to browser translate).
Sputnik News operates out of Washington, DC is also accurate website text-wise, but is subject to DC Mayor Bowser's racist employment laws, and has a slate of black racists and leftist loonies on their talk shows..
I found it sad that Googleplex has a hand in the Gulch and is VERY likely spying on us as much as possible. Also, much to my chagrin, my email provider to which I've paid a quarterly fee for decades not long ago sold out to Google - service has suffered in several ways - but that email address would be a real pain to change over to something else. Trapped no matter what we do except total tech severance.
(Yes, you will have to notify people of the change, and forward the old email to the new one for a few months.)
It's easy to do and maintenance should be almost entirely done by the hosting company.
A domain is about $10-20 a year for a .com domain, e.g., http://mccannon.com.
Hosting varies from 0 up but you can get a shared server account and have unlimited domain names
for (sale priced) about $10 a month for a linux host.
There are hosting companies that are not controlled by Big Tech yet and do not sell your data.
A friend who runs a complex website (and does his email and business there) recommended A2 Hosting recently.
I didn't intend any offense in the email suggestion, McC. ;^)
A2 does give tools to you (via cpanel controls) to filter email for spam.
I have used cpanel in the past and it has an effective and useful interface
for managing email.
for western faux media
I'm going to see how it plays out before drawing any further conclusions.
Part of the puzzle is that all of Putin's plausible political rivals are hardliners, who long for the "good old days" of the Soviet Union. If a real coup wins, or anybody kills Putin, we can expect immediate invasions of Poland, the Baltics, and maybe Finland. It's not at all clear to me that western intel agencies, which ought to know this, have accepted the fact.
I believe he was offered a lot of money.
Also, knowing that the USA just found 6 bln more in equipment to send Ukraine... Then getting offers to run and hide (or a bigger offer to attempt a coup)...
One thing it did. It strengthened the Russian Troops who remained. You just self-identified those who should be removed.
Those that remain, are no longer working for Wagner group, but directly for Russia, signing new contracts.
The problem with targeting Prigozhin is that it means Putins word is no good.
In fact, if I was the CIA, I would Plutonium him, to make Putin look bad! Like he didn't honor his side of the deal.