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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 3 months ago
    all i know is that there are no "statute of limitations" of any of this

    it is all part of the same on-going conspiracy against We the People


    and NO PARDON for biden the usurper will mean a damn to me
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  • Posted by $ gharkness 1 year, 3 months ago
    No kidding! I was just thinking the very same thing this morning, when I read that he called Xi a dictator (which Xi IS, but that's not proper diplomacy).

    He can 100% start a war, and then he and the Dems will blame the whole thing on "he couldn't help it; he's senile." While in the meantime, we're nuclear waste.
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    • Posted by lrshultis 1 year, 3 months ago
      And the enemy nuclear waste also unless the government is completely inept as under the present idiots. The will to deter war appears to be lacking by the Biden administration.
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 1 year, 2 months ago
        Absolutely. They don’t care who dies….us or them. They seem to want us all dead. And it’s increasingly likely to happen.
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        • Posted by lrshultis 1 year, 2 months ago
          Although I had heard Trump , when he was told that the US has nuclear weapons, say "then why don't we use them". Perhaps he was kidding. He does seen confused about things like tariffs, thinking that China has put a 100 billion plus into the US treasury, when it came from US citizens paying a duty on imported goods, thus reducing their standard of living, still using the goods but then having less to invest elsewhere not producing the 'not seen' jobs that might have been in favor government funded jobs.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 2 months ago
            "Perhaps he was kidding." If such a conversation actually took place this is obviously a spewing of a sarcastic remark. You would have to go a long way to convince me that an American, like Trump, would need to be told the US has nukes, however, slapping down a bit of humor around nuke use is definitely American humor - goes way back to movies like "Dr. Strangelove..." and Slim Pickens riding one to destiny yelling "Yaaaahhooooooo".
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            • Posted by lrshultis 1 year, 2 months ago
              I recall seeing part of the briefing and yelled WTF at the TV when I heard Trump say that. Only thing I can find is that p-whipped Joe S. reported it but nowhere is found by those Leftests looking for Trump saying such a thing which I suspect could have hurt Trump
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              • Posted by lrshultis 1 year, 2 months ago
                Perhaps it related to his questions on hurricane control?

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                • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 2 months ago
                  Hmmm, now that's interesting because I remember reading about such speculations back in the '60s. Trump and I are about the same age so if he had exposure to the same information he could have formulated the question.

                  Side note: There was also speculation of using nukes to form caverns for underground structures or even whole cities - if only the radiation contamination problem could be solved.

                  Trump is not shy about asking off the wall "what if" questions that may have interesting answers. The MSMM, of course, always spins it in a bad light - sheesh.
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                  • Posted by lrshultis 1 year, 2 months ago
                    Perhaps the MSMM represents the totally ignorant of society who need nothing more than little hints about something to try to make it into a belief to be followed without question until disaster hits such as drinking a poison to fight covid 19. Quasi-individuals do stupid things by following the latest fads whether religious, political, or just following some collective. Many millennia ago, it was found that people could control others by having them temporarily suspend their critical faculties and selectively think in some situations. That can be funny if by a stage hypnotist but disastrous in politics, religion, and every day life.
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                    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 2 months ago
                      "...MSMM represents the totally ignorant of society..." and "...control others by having them temporarily suspend their critical faculties..." seems to be a modern day theme. When an honest someone comes along with an inquisitive mind that questions the current norm it seems the collective can't handle it. I think Rand covered this topic rather well.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 2 months ago
    I will take a side bet of - the people continuing to consent to be governed by whatever comes next. a bunch of dumbass GOP will declare "victory" that the system still "works" - and the peasants will put away their pitchforks and lube up for Gavin.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 2 months ago
    I think you meant "prosecution" and I wouldn't be surprised if a little of both. Xiden is likely going senile just in time to weasel out of jail time.
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  • Posted by $ 1 year, 3 months ago
    Well, I'll tell you what. I tore the medial meniscus in my knee. After getting an MRI, I returned home and I was locked out. Since my house had 8 outside doors, I set out to find one I could enter. My knee collapsed and I fell on my face on the patio. Fractured my maxillary sinus, blew out the orbit of my right eye, and got me a trip to the ER. This is not age related, could happen to a 16 year old. I bounced out one of the doors by the pool, slipped on the brick sidewalk which was covered with snow. Not normal on the Gulf Coast of Texas, That was not age related, knocked my hip out of alignment. Sold the house returned to my condo. Then I tripped getting out of my car on the hole in the street in front of my condo and fractured my pelvis. Another trip to the ER. The city had to very quickly get their butts in gear and fix the street and the sidewalk up to my condo before they got sued as a 3rd party by my insurance carrier. Not age related. I'm making a point here. Age has nothing to do with accidents. But admittedly a younger person might not be so seriously injured. We are a bit more fragile. But this has nothing to do with the brain! I ordered a fall detector device so the EMS could find me quickly and I haven't fallen since I got it. It seems to remind me to be cautious since it is hanging around my neck! I'm 86 years old and I defy my children to try to commit me to a 'rest home'. I'm too busy writing my books. Besides that, they probably wouldn't let me bring Fred along and I'm not going without him. Some people don't like dogs. I had a young friend in his 40's who slipped in his bathroom, hitting his head and he died! Don't blame yourself for your mother's decision. Age is no respecter of life expectancy. And age doesn't have anything to do with when your time is up. N
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    • Posted by $ Snezzy 1 year, 3 months ago
      Did pony rides for an assisted-living retirement home recently. One of the residents volunteered to help. She's 97. Mostly she watched for transgressions such as little kids coming out of nowhere to crawl under a pony. (None did.) Now let's see if I can do pony rides for another 17 years.
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  • Posted by VetteGuy 1 year, 3 months ago
    The wife and I decided a long time ago that Joe's puppet masters need to be prosecuted for elder abuse. He should be in a nice comfortable assisted living unit somewhere. That way he'd have less chance of falling and hurting himself.

    As a point of reference, my mother, who refused to go to an assisted living community when she obviously needed to, died after falling at home and hitting her head. I get flashbacks every time I see Joe fall on the news.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 3 months ago
      Joe has been a thieving, looting traitor for 50 years and he had free will. Try 'em and execute 'em. No retirement at our expense for the traitors.
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      • Posted by NealS 1 year, 3 months ago
        Absolutely. Joe, Hunter, Nancy, Chuck, Adam (Schiff), even the ditz, Maxine, and all the others need to be brought to justice. It's actually most of those that we recognize today by their first name. Does Obama ring a bell?. Without anyone going to jail or being executed for treason this country will fall to the 250 year theory of extinction. Period.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 3 months ago
        Crooked Quid Pro Quo Sell-Out Traitor's Joe current senility now does not exempt his treasonous influence peddling history from the firing squad that his
        younger and brighter Marxist puppeteers should share with him along with the entire Biden Crime Family. Now thinking of the DOJ weaponized against We The People.
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 1 year, 3 months ago
        Yes, THIS!~ I absolutely refuse to consider ANY thought of "elder abuse." He knows what he is doing. And if he doesn't know it today, he knew it was coming back when he first started running. He is a traitor and deserves a traitor's "reward."
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