If DeSantis Really **IS** Trying To Grab The Baton From Trump Now?

Posted by Dobrien 1 year ago to Politics
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Excerpts.. I’ve attended 4 CPAC’s in a row, and I’ll tell you something I’ve learned from my observations there: Trump is very well aware that when he goes to CPAC he’s surrounded by GOP UniParty snakes, skunks and grifters. He knows he’s in enemy territory. But he loves being there. He loves rubbing their faces in it, how most of the rank and file people in the audience are rooting for HIM and not THEM.
50 GOP House members bolted for the door before the 2018 election. After 2018 they suddenly very insincerely jumped on the Trump train. At least for awhile.

And as soon as Trump very openly had the 2020 election rigged against him and then outrightly stolen from him, not one of these people lifted a finger to protest that epic crime. Instead they hemmed and they hawed and they talked about waiting for the evidence to emerge, if there was any, and how the courts should handle it.
It galls them. They grit their teeth and smile and bear it, but make no mistake. They cannot wait for him to be gone at last.

Hence, the DeSantis gambit.

But the thing that’s being drawn out the most by this DeSantis run that I see is this:

Never Trump & GOP UniParty Swamp Creatures will never understand the base Trump has built. They’ve had 8 years to figure it out and yet still it escapes them.

They do not know how to reach these people where they live. Trump does.

Their contempt for the base Trump has built keeps them from accurately seeing it. Which why all their attempts to reach out to it and trick it and fool it are doomed to failure. These people are Swamp-proof. Its why they responded to Trump in the first place.

Whatever you may think of the Trump base, whether you dismiss it as a cult or some other negative viewpoint, you had better make sure you grasp this: these people were all betrayed on a very deep and personal level by the GOPe/Dem/UniParty/Fake News authority figures they once trusted. Trump knows this and knows well how to reach these people where they are at.

I do not say they are Swamp-proof just to sound clever. I’m saying that because THEY ARE. Swamp-proof. Only outsiders can reach them.

And if you can’t make the sale to them of being an outsider, you are - to be blunt - wasting your fucking time.
SOURCE URL: https://briancates.substack.com/p/if-this-isnt-theater-and-desantis

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  • Posted by mccannon01 12 months ago
    Excellent article (honest rant!). Here's a tidbit from the article also in the meme on the left, "These are the same people now telling you with a straight face how they’re just mystified why Trump can’t let go of that 2020 election and just move on already. How dumb it is that he wants to constantly relitigate it. How he’s just a sore loser ..." it's as if I were being told to move on like nothing happened if my pickup was stolen out of my driveway and no police will show up to fill out a report nor will a judge listen to my complaint. Oh wait, if the corrupt police and judge were in cahoots with the thieves...
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    • Posted by 12 months ago
      Fair honest elections is the most important issue facing US. With that we will solve all the other issues. Yet today the Weaponized DOJ indicts the leading candadate by far in the Presidential race. this action continues the Weaponized agencies interference in elections. It’s a painful but necessary revelation that there is a 2 tiered Justice System. That reality in a country means a country is governed by tyranny. Infiltration from within. Trump is the General in the patriots efforts to regain our country. His is a massive threat to them. His indictments today set a precedent for mishandling sensitive docs and further that selling state secrets like All his enemies have been doing is a criminal offense. This clearly is different from Comey and the Evil Gags true mishandling of confidential information that no reasonable prosecutor would charge. I don’t abandon my leader when he is attacked by the enemy.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 12 months ago
        Just thinkin' here...

        I do think the commies have now accumulated enough power to jail Trump even without evidence and I'm wondering if the commie take down of Stewart Rhodes (Oath Keepers) was a preemptive strike to send a "message" to anyone that may attempt a rescue of Trump in the future. The Marxists have to take down or severely damage Trump's support before taking down Trump. It all reminds me of a line told to Maximus in "The Gladiator" and that is, "First they have to kill your name, then they can kill you."
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        • Posted by 12 months ago
          All attacks on Trump have resulted in a larger base of support so far , and they have been non-Stop for 7 yrs. I see this as another precedent set. People are learning about classified documents and now the DOJ can go after even an Ex Pres like Obama if it is proven he was peddling classified stuff like BuyDem and Clinton. I have heard from good sources that the some of the oathkeeoers were infiltrated or at least not behaving in Trumps best interest on J6. Trump has proclaimed he will pardon J6 ers who were unjustly convicted.
          Think of Trump as Rocky he didn’t throw a punch for 14 rounds allowing his opponent to wear himself out or run out of ammunition , in the last round he comes out hitting with all he has and knock out …winning happens slowly than all at once. They have tried several times to assassinate him . He has the best security in the world.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 12 months ago
            "All attacks on Trump have resulted in a larger base of support so far..." I find that amazing and I haven't wavered, either. I do think Trump has made a few blunders (Vax-Fauci-big-pharma fiasco for one), but he's the best so far! He won't be fooled again.
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            • Posted by 12 months ago
              Wavering because our leader is under constant attack is akin to the Calvary picking a new General as the battle wages because the enemy is trying to kill your General. If people see it another way they are ignoring the reality that Trump is the enemies biggest threat and that the rino’s(enemy) support Rob Desanctimonious.
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