Have you been accused of "childism"?

Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 5 months ago to Politics
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Crowder's people keep a close eye on up-and-coming possible Democratic platform additions. This one sounds too true already, and as his contributer points out, it's already happening in Minnesota.
SOURCE URL: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/childism-tiktok

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  • Posted by VetteGuy 1 year, 5 months ago
    So ... if children can make their own choices, does that mean we should now let them buy cigarettes and alcohol? Drive? Vote? Buy guns? Where does it stop?

    Another article that just leaves me shaking my head.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 5 months ago
    I'm guilty 110%. My kids are smarter than average, but do I think they have the mental capacity of an adult? Okay, let's just be clear that I'm talking about mental maturity as well because we all know how many grown people are still children mentally.

    These people really are a special brand of stupid...
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  • Posted by 1 year, 5 months ago
    More proof that the problem with the woke is they suffer from a serious mental disruption that infects each woker with identical symptoms almost simultantaneously. The search for a cure is not going well, and the one option that might slow the contagion is one they should approve of. Isolation. Or, as they refer to it, total lockdown.
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  • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 5 months ago
    Here's my nitpick. Childism means "belief in children." You're damn right I believe in children! But not at all that they should be allowed to run for President, nor flip a coin and decide which sex to be.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 5 months ago
      Good point. Maybe a better name would be kidogynist. These sickos hate more than just kids, though. They hate everyone, themselves most of all.
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      • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 5 months ago
        Kidogynist=favoring female children haha. I'm a pain in the neck about language.

        Because, changing the definitions of words IS the debate. Fighting over When does life begin? results in never debating the big issue.

        The libs have phagocytocized the prefix "-anti" into "-ism."

        So "racism" = belief in race literally, but then it's supposed to mean anti-race...but only anti nonwhite. Anti- white is just plain truth.

        Libtards do not have a double standard, they have an infinitely shape shifting standard, or

        No standard.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 1 year, 5 months ago
    Actually we have become a land of perpetual children, who never grow up, assume responsibility and do not want to work for a living. This was the plan described ty KGB Yuri Benmenov in their plant to destroy the US from withing using stupid teachers.
    I was rasied to work to pay for what I wanted as a teen, and our daughter got no phone nor car, until she worked during school years to pay for those same things. I see parent handing out money to fully grown children, and I think no, that is the route to their never being free, rather parasites. K grew up involved in braking my own horse, learning about cars, and Dad even sent me to sewing class one summer, and make me take geometry antoher. He felt I needed to know all manner of things. He managed a business, but made me get my own after school job, which was Mafia owned, and I worked more than legal, 52 hours a week. Dad was fine with it, as I still had a 4.0 GPA at high school, and he liked hearing I was a favored employee from my boss.My goal was always to be an adult, not what we see today. Adults are smucks who work for a living.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov 1 year, 5 months ago
    As Will Rogers said, "Common sense ain't so common." When scientists (remember "trust the science?") determine that human mental maturity doesn't arrive until about 25 years of age, the left is arguing that adults should obey the wishes of a three year old regarding their gender.

    I know leftists hate personal experience, but I like to mention that my wife, who had three older brothers, emphatically told her parents she wanted to be a boy when she was elementary school age (mainly because she perceived that boys got to do a lot more stuff). Today she's a retired professional, vibrant, attractive, delight to be with. I can only reflect on the horror that the trans fanatics would have done to this incredible lady I'm so fortunate to have as my partner, if they'd been in charge when she was a child.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 5 months ago
      +++DrZ. I was a tomboy with 6 brothers and I didn6play with dolls. Toy horses and baseball and games of tag and climbing trees were so much more fun! I can't do those anymore, but my performance in a batting cage with the machine set for 70mph is still better than a lot if tough guys. I am a woman, always knew I was a woman, still enjoy fun things, still all woman, wife, mother, grandmother. I would love to shake hands with your wonderful wife!
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      • Posted by DrZarkov 1 year, 5 months ago
        I think you would both enjoy each other's company. My wife's father was a Boy Scout executive, so she got to experience a lot of camping activities growing up. Before my time, she's been a mother and grandmother, but I definitely enjoy watching her interaction with her children and grandchildren.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year, 5 months ago
    Childism ... sure enough, I venture we will see this nonsense by the Summer of 2023.

    Here is another one: Transablism. This is more horrifying than Childism.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 5 months ago
      That is beyond horrible. The nation has gone insane and there are not enough sane people left to stop the avalanch. Take cover and let it expend its monstrous energy. We will still be here when the horror has destroyed itself.
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      • Posted by VetteGuy 1 year, 5 months ago
        I HOPE we outlast the madness, but I'm not convinced. I'm trying to "Enjoy the Decline" (see Abaco's recent post).

        One reason I'm not confident we will outlast the madness/decline is based on a recent reading of "The God of the Machine" Isabel Paterson notes the progressive/collectivist teaching in schools. It had become a problem in ... 1943 when the book was published. After 80+ years, I fear their philosophy has become entrenched in the majority of young people, more of whom are able to vote every year.
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        • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year, 5 months ago
          As indicated on Bill's show by Scott's comment -- perhaps this Transablism is only happening far on the periphery and will not become as "mainstream" as the trans-gender, etc...
          This truly is a Decline. I find solace in my close friendships, the few family members still mobile and sundry online avenues. Getting away from it all -- think remote mountain -- that also keeps for a strong footing on reality.
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