Self-appointed earth saviors seek to manage every aspect of our lives: Effectively Involuntary Servitude. That Makes All of Us Their Slaves.

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Politics
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"The climate agenda cannot handle a decentralized world. They need to control the means of production, the distribution of food, and control of the movement of people.
It’s basically what the ruling classes have done for generations: Those in charge always come up with a reason why the rest of us cannot be free, why the rest of us cannot make these choices for ourselves. And the reason du jour is the climate crisis is forcing them to literally transform our modern way of life.

They are actively collapsing our energy, food, and transportation. They’re pushing insect-eating as an alternative source of protein. And this is the United Nations doing this. It’s the World Economic Forum doing government. Bill Gates, America’s number one farmland owner in the U.S. has publicly stated that his goal is to get the entire Western world off of eating livestock meat and instead eating his billions of dollars invested in lab-grown meat made in steel vats and literally printed from 3d printer.

Morano: This is our future — if we allow it. First, they came for your energy, then your transportation, then your meat and high-yield agriculture, and now they’re coming after rice production. The climate agenda just keeps expanding its reach and is moving rapidly to gain control of global food production so that they can manage it in a ‘climate friendly’ way. And many of the people pushing these policies believe they are altruistic. They actually think they’re saving the planet by doing this, and they are preventing the rest of us — the unwashed masses from destroying the planet.

It’s so much easier if they concentrate power in the hands of a few. There are fewer people to buy off, fewer to protest, and fewer people who own tractors or trucks to make trouble."
DC has betrayed the People for 110 years.

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