signed letter by president trump reveals he declass Documents.

Posted by Dobrien 1 year ago to History
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DC Draino on Wednesday morning tweeted out a signed letter by President Trump dated January 19, 2021. This was the day before President Trump left office. The presidential letter declassifies all of the Crossfire Hurricane documents that prove Barack Obama, James Comey, John Brennan, James Clapper, the FBI, CIA, State Department and Deep State spied on him and knew the Trump-Russia collusion hoax was a scam. — The Gateway Pundit

The ‘Trump hoarded classified documents!’ narrative took a hit on Wednesday when it was revealed the 45th President took the formal step of declassifying documents in writing the day before he left office.

For months, since the unprecedented August 2022 raid on Mar-a-Lago, the establishment has engaged in a whole-of-institution effort to further demonize the President and fabricate crimes against him. Pundits on all sides spent hours debating the rights of the President in handling classified material. The establishment — without any legal reference or precedent — adopted the position that President Trump acted unlawfully.

Then Biden had documents. And Pence had documents. And Obama had documents. But the narrative never wavered that Trump, uniquely, acted unlawfully. The media dutifully parroted the claims and paid influencers, bots, and brainwashed useful idiots propagated those talking points far and wide. Key to this narrative was the assertion that there existed no formal documentation of declassification. Now, for the record and based on the law and established precedent, a formal, signed letter is not a requirement for a president to declassify. But the absence of such a letter is central to the narrative that Trump acted improperly. Central and now debunked.

The January 19, 2021 letter, signed by President Trump provides new insight into the Mar-a-Lago raid, and the improvisational actions of the Department of Justice since.

As @DC_Draino put it on Twitter when the news broke: ‘Now you know why they raided Mar a Lago. To steal back evidence of their crimes.’”

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