Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 3 months ago to News
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This latest video by Greg Reese is something we’ve covered ourselves recently, but this isn’t one of those stories that we can simply post and move on. This isn’t getting in front of nearly as many people as it should. If we don’t make enough people aware, this will get swept under the rug until it’s too late for us to stop it. With that said, here’s Greg…

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 3 months ago
    I've cheered on advances in science most of my life, but this stuff is bad. Really bad.

    Edit add: I get Error 404 when I click the link in the article to the Whole Cows site.
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 3 months ago
      Hmm just clicked the link...went right there,

      They have no desire to cure dis-ease, only in creating discomfort.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 3 months ago
        Not that link, OUC, the link in the article with the line:

        "Visit our Whole Cows Site now to start shopping!"
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        • Posted by $ 1 year, 3 months ago
          OH, you know, I saw it but didn't try it, just went right to the video.
          I have been getting postcard advertising for local's bout time I investigated.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 3 months ago
            There's a few local farmers in my area that have meat offerings, too, but you usually have to buy a large quantity. Good for a big family, but not for just me and my wife. I'll have to look into it more closely now. There's a local butcher shop not far from where I live. I'll see where they get their meat from.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 3 months ago
              My wife and I have a stand up freezer and we bought half a cow. The meat is grass fed from a farmer who only raises a dozen or so cows a year.
              I have given meat to my son and daughters family multiple times when they visit. It is much appreciated. The cost to me is probably a third of what the Grocery store would charge. Rib eyes , t bones that are more like Porterhouse and awesome Chuck roasts. Best ground beef you can eat. Yum.
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            • Posted by $ 1 year, 3 months ago
              Buying local also might bolster your local economy and keep it thriving during really hard digital currency nonsense, like when the lights go out for a long time or for the rest of the cycle.

              Sure would be nice if Trump actually gets back, maybe it will be not so bad as we get closer to the micronova and earth crustal shift.
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