Reparations advocate & US House candidate from S. Carolina Dixon (D) sues, seeks to unseat Cliburn, sings Trump praises, notes welfare plantation yields mainly “free” Dem vote harvest

Posted by bubah1mau 1 year, 2 months ago to Politics
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Dixon stated, “Donald Trump had plans where he was going to invest at least $500 billion into the black American community, he was going to start the Department of African-American Affairs to focus specifically on our needs, he was talking about the damage that illegal immigration causes to black Americans. … It’s way more than what we’re getting now and what any other presidential candidate has offered.”

According to results from ‘22 midterms, Dixon doesn’t stand a chance in a second primary challenge against Cliburn, but his agitation may swing some black votes away from Biden (or a Biden substitute), and even over to Trump.

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  • Posted by $ BobCat 1 year, 2 months ago
    Reparations??? Let's see... blood spilled 160 years ago, mules and land given, voting rights, civil rights, low income housing, loan subsidies food stamps, public transportation, health care, minority protected status, education subsidies, white guilt, etc... sounds to me that they want relocated back to their mother land???? GLADLY!
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