Zinc tablets vs Covid study: Zinc 40% less death, half the ICU admission, and a quicker release from hospital

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Politics
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"Two weeks treatment costs $3.75*
In Tunisia from February to May last year 470 people with Covid were randomly either given 50mg of zinc each day for two weeks or given a placebo. In the zinc group, after 30 days, 6% had died, and 5% had been admitted to intensive care. Meanwhile in the placebo group 9% had died and 11% had gone to the ICU. People taking zinc got out of hospital a few days before the people who didn’t.

Since there were no serious adverse effects in anyone from taking zinc, it’s obvious that good governments were handing out zinc tablets in carparks, schools and shopping malls, thus saving lives, millions of dollars, and keeping hospitals half empty. The rich world looks to healthcare systems like El Salvador. Shame about the other sclerotic swamps and backwaters of crony medicine. Sometimes countries have too much money to get good treatment."
SOURCE URL: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/04/zinc-tablets-associated-with-40-less-death-half-the-icu-admission-and-a-quicker-release-from-hospital/

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 1 month ago
    I got on Arginine during the pandemic. Cut hospitalization in half in a study.

    But this is hate speech because we can’t have an emergency authorization for the untested jabs if something else works. I swear to gawd that we’re living in a Nazi state.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      We are definitely living under a tyrannical government.
      The federal government under the Buydem admin has repeatedly committed all the evil and illegal acts
      that the left falsely accused Trump and other conservatives of doing (including actual insurrection.)
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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
    It is against the law to have an emergency use authorization, when an effective treatment is available. We knew from Fauci’s previous peer reviewed paper the HCQ and Zinc was effective with Covid SARS illness. Then Trump told US , I was watching his Covid update when he said it . but the maggots in the MSM lied and said Trump said to drink bleach. Of course Pfizer pays their salaries.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      That alone should be enough to get a grand jury formed.
      Unfortunately, a grand jury in utterly corrupt DC would be a waste of time.
      A military court, staffed with unbiased people OTOH ...
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      • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
        Biden has to be removed as an illegitimate resident
        Before any convictions will be worth a damn, imo. If not he will just Pardon them. I thinK that’s why Durham has been slow walking his indictments. The first trials 2 provided damning evidence against the Evil Hag. The convictions of Sussman or Danchenko were not his first target.
        Many Q folks have said the military is the only way and I tend to agree but I can not find where Q said that. In addition the place where treason cases would be tried is contentious, the constitution seems to suggests the Supreme Court, yet some cases since the war on terror have been tried in military tribunals.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          Few federal courts can be trusted to render fair judgement against the people above them.
          Younger attorneys have been brainwashed trained in a system that rewards greater federal
          power stolen from the people. Judges are using precedents that are
          unconstitutional to deliver judgments. So much case law from the past 100 years must
          be repealed and the sovereign rights of the people restored. So much of the
          profligate spending of the past century and the perversion it created must be reversed
          and merit-based free market incentives restored. Executive orders must be severely
          restricted and overseas military action strictly limited except upon act of con-gress
          as it was originally intended. America is not a feudal monarchy and the federal
          bureaucracy as currently imposed is based on feudal power. It must go.
          Everyone who transferred important technology to foreign powers must be tried and
          executed for treason.
          The real perpetrators of 911 and covid must be tried and executed.
          With so many traitors in con-gress, none of these tasks can be done.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
            We have the foundation (the constitution) the rest needs to be remodeled so to speak. As Trump said on his inauguration speech he was taking the power away from the DC swamp and giving it back to “we the people”. FFA your brilliant mind would be so helpful in that task. Have you checked out National Assembly DeJour. You would be a perfect fit to help restore us to common law and not the fuQing Admiralty law that clearly is two tiered. Commander on this board is involved and he could
            Tell you more about it.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 1 month ago
    It’s been pretty well known for decades now that Zinc retards viruses ability to reproduce. Back in another day in another life I used to have a Zinc plating facility as a customer. All the guys there said they never got bad colds. Tried it myself one day. Stopped in with a nasty drippy cold. Hung my head over the Zinc tank and breathed the fumes for a couple minutes. By the end of the day my symptoms were drastically reduced.
    Probably shaved a few months off my life as well....but....so did the “Safe and Effective”. Which is turning out to be neither.
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