19 US States fight back against the Woke Banker Cartel

Posted by freedomforall 1 year ago to Politics
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"Oklahoma blacklists BlackRock and 12 other banks that boycott fossil fuels
We may yet be saved by states in the US that are pulling the pin on the Big Banker Cartel. In this case Oklahoma wrote laws to investigate and ban state investments with banks that boycott the energy sector. They’ve now decided that 13 banks fail the bar, and should be banned from all public business. In response BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase are now dancing to a whole new tune, suddenly protesting that they invest billions in the energy sector. The twisted truth is, that it is no defense at all, it was part of their strategy. Often they used their major voting interest to oust directors and pressure boards to pick up more “woke” ESG policies. These are big targets. JP Morgan Chase is the largest bank in the US and BlackRock is the largest asset manager in the world.

This is excellent news, and we need more. Spread the news. But how did it get to the point where a bank that outspokenly campaigned to end fossil fuels was managing 60% of the state employees retirement funds in a state that is the fifth or sixth biggest oil and gas state in the US? This rort meant the bank managed funds on behalf of people who spent their whole lives working in the oil and gas industry — yet it used their funds as leveraged power to try to destroy their livelihood, to make their energy costs rise and to undo their democratic choices.

Make no mistake, the banker money isn’t following the fashions, it is creating them. The way to win is to turn off the tap…"

All Comments

  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year ago
    The comments on the original article are interesting.
    Especially one that says “When Trump gets back in....something something something....”
    Illustrates that in the unlikely event that Trump is ABLE to retake the Whitehouse day two of his term needs to be spent cleaning house. And it all starts with Milley in chains. Or nothing substantive will change.
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  • Posted by Lucky 1 year ago in reply to this comment.
    Right on all your points. Still, note that the word 'we' as used by Joanne Nova does not mean a majority of Australians but means Joanne Nova, fans of that website and a good many who can think. The fans/commentators include Aussies, NZers, Canadians, Americans, Swedes and others.
    The previous Australian PM, Morrison, nominally R of center, despite his election position went on to sign 'Paris' and the net zero scam. He told the public that the above named woke banking cartel would not allow any new coal power station proposal to get funding. This is likely to be true but it was his job to find a way round that, he did not try. He went full out on wuhu scare propaganda as a useful diversion. Millions of jabs and test kits were ordered, paid for, and now sit in warehouses, expiring.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year ago
    Excellent article. Even the comments are worth the read. With that said, I'm intrigued by how much certain elements of Australia are deeply interested in how such matters are being handled in the US and which way the US flag is flying. Their government seems to have gone so totally woke many of its citizens are hoping the US can pull itself out of the leftist mire and rescue them along the way.
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