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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 2 months ago
    Munchausen Syndrome by proxy.
    Lin Biao’s transgender spies were known within the CCP as the ‘army of hairy crabs’. There are many, now disputed, reports of the ‘hairy crabs’ also being used as assassins. It was noted in the CCP literature in the late 1970s, that those people, of a homosexual inclination, or behavior, when they had been given “Lin’s ghost illness” (also referred to as ‘whispers illness’), were easily persuaded to kill. In fact, it is noted in the CCP literature of the period that the ‘hairy crabs’ were very ‘fragile’ in their minds, and would instantly turn to violence if the ‘ghost illness’ in them was confronted.Also known within the CCP as the ‘invisible illness’ in official literature.

    Lin’s plot to make China ‘sick’ with weaponized Münchausen syndrome by proxy succeeded for Mao, keeping him in power for an additional decade. Lin was made VP of the CCP as a reward by Mao, and was the acknowledged successor to Mao at the time. Lin was killed in a very mysterious plane crash in 1971.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 1 year, 2 months ago
    (It seems my comment in the box disappeared0. We need to required those in charge to admit certain facts of nature:(1) that a male is not a female (2) a female is not a male(3); that it is not safe to put the two in the same public bathroom; that as long as government-financed, government-operated education is allowed to exist, the gwo must be provided with separate toilet facilities.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 2 months ago
    I never had a problem in school. I usually carried my baton around with me and I only once had to hit a bully over the head. He spread the word.
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    • Posted by LibertyBelle 1 year, 2 months ago
      Good for you! but that will not always work. For one thing, a baton could very well not be adequate. In such cases, a knife would be better, with a well-aimed thrust, not over the head, but toward a certain point in the midsection. And, the way things are in the public schools, I am surprised you were not the one punished for daring to defend yourself.
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