Ukraine President & Officials Allegedly Embezzled $400 Million From USA

Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 3 months ago to News
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The linked report alleges that Zelensky and many of his entourage have been skimming millions from American dollars earmarked for wartime diesel fuel payments.
Me dino be certain that all of us here in The Gulch are not the least bit surprised.

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 3 months ago
    Not surprised at all, dino. However, it certainly is a tangled web that the Russians are selling diesel to Ukraine. That makes no sense - unless the deal means Ukraine (aka Zelensky) sells it to the US via India. As far as arms dealing goes it isn't a stretch that such a corrupt regime would gladly take free stuff, compliments of the US taxpayer, and then sell it on the open market. I'm sure the Taliban is in on that pipeline.
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