Ninth Circuit Orders Stormy Daniels to Pay Trump Additional $121,973 on the Same Day Trump is Arrested for paying Her $130,000

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 3 months ago to News
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It is very ironic that on the same day that DA Alvin Bragg brings BS charges against Trump the Ninth Circuit Court orders Stormy Daniels to pay President Trump $121,973 dollars for legal fees for a frivolous lawsuit lodged against Trump.
That brings the grand total she owes Trump to about $700,000. And remember, it is easier to prove a civil suit than it is to prove a criminal complaint. So why was Trump arrested?

And as far as he alleged false entries in the business transactions, no CEO ever makes those entries. This is just for show and intimidation.

Remember, Bragg is the DA that tried to charge a victim who was shot twice during a robbery with attempted murder when he shot back.
SOURCE URL: https://roccistuccishow.com/ninth-circuit-orders-stormy-daniels-to-pay-trump-additional-121973-on-the-same-day-trump-is-arrested-for-paying-her-130000/

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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 3 months ago
    "So why was Trump arrested?"

    NYC is a cesspool. May the leftist drown there, and soon.
    NYC should be ejected from the USA (along with DC, Chicago, SF, Seattle, Portland, Boston, Baltimore, Detroit, etc.)
    How long would the looting scum survive without the productive to steal from?
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 3 months ago
      I just watched a video with Jesse Watters reporting DA Bragg, during his opening indictment speech, saying Trump interfered in the 2016 election by citing an item of "proof" that didn't happen until 2017. You jusy can't make this Schiff up!
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      • Posted by Running4mylife 1 year, 3 months ago
        You would think that "technicality" would end this entire farce, but we are dealing with the Biden Crime family and the demon Soros who seems to get his way in everything. I never believed in god or the devil until I learned about Soros. I seriously believe he is the devil incarnate.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 3 months ago
    Should you agree to take a billionaire's big money (that you will surely spend to some extent) on condition that you will do something or NOT do something, it's just plain stupid to renege on such a great deal.
    Especially when that billionaire is someone like Trump, who is well known for hitting back when crossed.
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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 1 year, 3 months ago
    To add to your last point, emphasis mine: "Remember, Bragg is the DA that tried to charge a victim who was shot twice during a robbery with attempted murder when he shot back." WITH THE SAME GUN THE ROBBER USED TO SHOOT HIM.

    What the hell is wrong with people?
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  • Posted by GaryL 1 year, 3 months ago
    NYC spent close to $200 million just on hosting this Shiff Show. Alvin Bragg is the idiot of this decade. Chicago just elected a new mayor who is twice as bad as the one they tossed out. If I was a cop in Chicago my retirement or resignation papers would be filed today!
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    • Posted by Running4mylife 1 year, 3 months ago
      Chicago is now a racist city. The last white mayor was Jane Byrne. Vallas was also a democrat, but he is white and he was endorsed by the PD and promissed to crack down on crime. He also beat Johnson in the primary, and was supposed to win, but the Chicago Teacher's Union and the Soros progressive team did their sorcery and Chicago double downed on crime, decay, and degradation and Johnson will NOT work with the CPD because he is an avowed cop hater, and crime will surge. Chicago is on life support and it's time to pull the plug. Anyone living there thinking they are safe are deluding themselves. BLM is running Chicago now.
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