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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 3 months ago
    and the parasites will simply spread out and hurt others
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 3 months ago
      Very true. There was a beautiful shopping mall just outside the city near where I live that became a favorite haunt of various gang members - and other nefarious types - from the city. Theft became rampant and the mall shoppers were even being accosted in the parking lot. Car theft got way out of control. The last time I went there the entry way smelled like piss - I turned around and left. Better to drive 30 more miles to a much better mall. To make a long story short, that mall lost the paying customers, employees stopped showing up for work, and the whole thing eventually closed down and sat empty for years. It was sad to drive by on the expressway and see the big beautiful carousel sitting dead in the windows. Now that the criminal elements no longer have a haunt, it's being converted into office and condo space. It will never be a mall again.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 3 months ago
    'Cause we gotta have our free stuff. [/s]

    I wonder how many of these people realize that they have allowed themselves to be enslaved. A person who has valuable skills and knowledge can free himself/herself from the bondage of debt and dependency. The Democrats are just licking their chops with their institution of urban plantations.
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  • Posted by BCRinFremont 1 year, 3 months ago
    Some woke personage stated that these children should not be Demonized. I immediately said to myself, “even if these children are actually Demons?”….
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 3 months ago
    The Rolling Stones sang a song about not always getting what you want but getting what you need.
    I'm thinking that these days someone coming out with a song about getting only what you deserve, that group would get cancelled.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 1 year, 3 months ago
    Maybe the enterprising leeches can use the vacant store to peddle and buy their drugs? At the very least they'll have places to get zombified (stoned doesn't cover anymore) and defecate.

    Fools the entire lot.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 1 year, 3 months ago
    Yep, and hundred of teenagers rampaged Michigan Ave in Chicago jumping on cars and assaulting people. Not a place I will visit soon. If any of the professional organization I belong to schedule a meeting there attendance will be awful.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 1 year, 3 months ago
    The businesses leaving the area should acknowledge that they are upset and offer to close all of their stores instead of just the ones that are currently planned to close.

    Businesses are in business to make money not provide public service unless of course they happen to be a service industry.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 3 months ago
    Cleveland is rapidly turning into Chicago. The mayor (black) and his court will not name what is destroying the community., yet each day more black citizens are killed by black criminals. Yesterday my son stopped at a horrific accident scene to see if he could help. He couldn't. Np pulse, unresponsive, so he didn't try to give CPR, just waited for the EMTs. It turned out that the mid-thirties black victim involved in the crash had been shot in the back and thigh. Bullet holes (two) through the back window and driver side door... just one of several shootings (black on black) in just one day.
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  • Posted by JakeOrilley 1 year, 3 months ago
    The continuing statements that the crime rate in states like new york and ca is less than the crime rate in Louisiana and Tennessee is just ludicrous. Take New Orleans out of the Louisiana stats, and Memphis out of the TN stats and it is not even close.
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  • Posted by fairbro 1 year, 3 months ago
    Durbin does not take any responsibility for the corrupt, violent blue city shitholes he and Democrats are creating.

    Nor is there a single American black leader taking any responsibility whatsoever for the violence and criminality of his own black race.

    African blacks do not act like mal-educated American blacks.
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    • Posted by bobsprinkle 1 year, 3 months ago
      what is the difference between the two?
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      • Posted by fairbro 1 year, 3 months ago
        I rented rooms in my house to, among many other other places around the world, African blacks, immiigrants, in Arlington, VA. They arrived from Zambia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Ghana, Togo, etc. They would get off the plane and start working, most of them 2-3 jobs. (Just like my Filipino wife, LOL!) They wondered why American blacks did not want to work when the opportunities were there for the taking. My black American friend says Africans look down on American blacks, they consider black Americans to be pampered and spoiled. Now the Left and their Public "Indoctrination" System is corrupting ALL young Americans, not just blacks.
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        • Posted by bobsprinkle 1 year, 3 months ago
          System is corrupting ALL young Americans....
          You absolutely got that right.
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          • Posted by fairbro 1 year, 3 months ago
            it seems to me that the Deep State is manipulating the media and social media to deconstruct the previous unity we had and to set up conflicts between young and old, black-white, prosperous-poor, homo-hetero, destruction of the family and individual self-identity, etc. And of course they will use this turmoil to legitimize their corrupt control from Washington DC. Internationally, they have created monsters of Russia and China. This should not be happening - the internet gave us the tools for instant worldwide communication and understanding. When Facebook, Google and Youtube are not controlled by a few insanely-rich oligarchs colluding with the Deep State, there will be born a new era, a new paradigm, a world based on understanding, not violence. The resolution of the Deep State is openness and transparency, that's why they have "classified" walls around nearly every document in every agency. if the media was honest and the government was transparent, the next election would be a Ronald Reagan-style landslide.

            Just one example, the conflict in Ukraine. In 2015, Google-Youtube deleted all of the videos made in Ukraine showing the Ukr. Air Force bombing apartment buildings, churches, business blocks, even an orphanage, in Donbass. Powerful videos showing a group of Ukr. soldiers in a foxhole, taking a smoke break, asking "Why are we killing our brothers"? and a young lady standing in front of a line of NATO/Kiev tanks, temporarily blocking them, until the lead tank starts nudging her after a half hour of fruitless discussion. All gone into Google's cyber dumpster, all censored. Without such censorship, the American people could view these atrocities and understand the people of Donbass merely want to exercise their Human Rights of Self-Determination. Google, turning the truth into a pretzel, maybe the most evil corporation in the history of the world.
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            • Posted by bobsprinkle 1 year, 3 months ago
              Just watched a video of how Dominion voting machines cam be manipulated to change results. I am considering the source. But it was interesting.
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              • Posted by fairbro 1 year, 3 months ago
                Yeah, SQL does not store the command history. Went to my host and tried the MySQL It does not store your commands, so you can't roll them back. It's like Unix or Linux - Once you do something, that's it, there's no "Undo" like in Windows. Since it does not store the command history, it's difficult to prove if any manipulation post-election was done. That evidence is gone.
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                • Posted by bobsprinkle 1 year, 3 months ago
                  So, it looks like the info in what I sent you is bogus.
                  Is that right? I have some experience with Unix. But a lot less than you seem to have.
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                  • Posted by fairbro 1 year, 3 months ago
                    I dunno, I need to look at that video in depth. I have been using MySQL in Linux, i assume it's similar to SQL as used on Unix.

                    I wanted to do a statistical analysis of the 2020 election by voting district to see "funny" alterations from 2016 compared to 2020, and look at it from other standpoints, but the numbers are not there on the internet, only the %-ages I know there were funny things going on, but the media ignores very obvious fraud, like that Georgia lady pulling out a suitcase of ballots from under the table after ordering everyone else to go home.

                    Think the Deep State is running scared. The next election should seal their doom - shine the light of day on these democracy-sucking vampires.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 3 months ago
    I am 100% gleefully entertained to watch these garbage trucks crash, head on, in slow motion.
    I remember a world before Walmart came to town. And it was a better world.
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