The Men's Only Ford Explorer - Lacking All the Parts That Ford Says Were Invented By Women. Except they were not invented by women. Thanks, I Will Never Even Consider Buying A Ford Product. Woke Scum.

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 4 months ago to Business
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Men invented the heater core at GM in 1930.

GPS was invented by very large team, mostly men from 1950s through present day. Physicist Dr Ivan Getting and engineer Col Bradford Parkinson were awarded the prestigious Draper Prize by the US National Academy of Engineering for making GPS a reality. The Navy Timation Project was masterminded by Dr Roger Easton.

Turn signals? 1909 Percy Douglas-Hamilton, 1925 Edgar A. Walz, Jr. , 1939 John Hetrick.

Windshield wipers? 1896 George J. Capewell

Did women invent valuable things? Certainly.
Just not the way the the woke scum at Ford claim they were.

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