The federal government effectively sold the Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial to the largest lobbying force in the country.

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 4 months ago to Politics
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"Legislators in Arkansas have a simple question before them: if pharmaceutical executives deliberately withhold knowledge of a product’s adverse effects, should they be criminally liable if patients suffer serious harm from the product?

The federal government effectively sold the Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial to the largest lobbying force in the country.

A primary purpose of the Seventh Amendment was to prevent powerful forces from warping the legal system to protect themselves. The convergence of the pharmaceutical industry and our federal government, outlined in the previous article, sacrificed this constitutional right for a corporate liability shield.

Now, it is largely up to state legislatures to restore citizens’ rights against the state-subsidized pharmaceutical companies that rake in billions from their Covid products.

In Arkansas, Senate Bill 8 would make it criminal for pharmaceutical executives to knowingly hide, conceal, or withhold information regarding a medical product’s adverse effects if the product results in death or serious injury.

The Arkansas GOP can enact this legislation without making concessions. Republicans outnumber Democrats 82 to 18 in the State House of Representatives and 29 to 6 in the State Senate.

Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders called for a “new generation of Republican leadership” in her response to the 2023 State of the Union. She boasted that she had “repealed COVID orders and said never again to authoritarian mandates and shutdowns.”

Mandates have been lucrative for Big Pharma. Covid products accounted for more than half of Pfizer’s record $100 billion in revenue in 2022. These companies received the benefit of taxpayer funding without the risk of legal liability..

Now, Governor Sanders can have her state lead by example by demanding accountability for harm, misdeeds, and deception from our country’s most powerful corporate forces."

I predict the GOP will cave as usual and take lots of 'donations' to their personal accounts from Big Pharma.
SOURCE URL: https://brownstone.org/articles/states-can-break-through-pharmas-liability/

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 4 months ago
    From the article: "The pharmaceutical industry has dedicated billions of dollars to marketing and lobbying to combat its history..." and where on earth did it come up with the $$ to do that? From that alone cynical me agrees with your statement: "I predict the GOP will cave as usual and take lots of 'donations' to their personal accounts from Big Pharma." Hard to fight the $$.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 1 year, 4 months ago
    You think they are not aware what they are doing? UN told Biden to not give migrants the vaccine, as they, as non citizens could sue vaccine companies, and effectively shrt circuit teir depopulation plans! The y let the vaccine companies do their own testing for damages, yet only reported some to VARS, with real figures inside company website. Citizens are blocked form court action becasue true science is blaocked and drug companies protected.
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  • Posted by fairbro 1 year, 4 months ago
    Big Pharma rakes in Billions from fraudulent Covid "therapies" with horrible side-effects, which Big Pharma suppresses knowledge of, and they have raked in over a $Trillion from medications like Prozac, Ritalin, Klonapin, ,etc, that are connected with school shooting, lower the intellectual level of children and lower the sanity level of the country.

    But the psychiatric drugs give you a good feeling!

    Do not be concerned. Pfizer has announced, via $Millions in nationwide ads, that they are giving a slight discount off their their anti-diabetic medications.
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