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  • Posted by Lucky 1 year, 5 months ago
    Thanks Dob, we need more on this.

    I think- Yes for some of those ingredients.
    Others have sparse evidence of what they do.
    Other questions:
    How much to take? How long for?

    I looked up C60, buckminsterfullerene:
    A form of carbon available as a supplement, usually in an oil base eg olive oil.
    An anti-oxidant.
    Neutralizes free radicals.

    By sparse evidence I mean not like the evidence for the mRNA vaxs which is now coming out to show a net negative benefit.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 5 months ago
    I was getting the impression that, like losing a finger, once the immune system is severely damaged it doesn't grow back. Looks like this post is meant to supplement what was lost rather than repair. Hard to get a good description from a tweet. I've taken D and C and multi w/zinc etc every day. Never heard of C60 or NAC - will check it out. These are extremely high doses of D and C, though.
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