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  • Posted by Ben_C 1 year, 6 months ago
    Watched the interview live last night. The follow up interview by Tucker with (forgot his name) was even more compelling. He confirmed that regulators don't regulate when the regulators will be employed by those they are regulating when finished with their agency. Also, the "directed evolution" was code for "Pfizer vaccine doesn't work." Wow.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 1 year, 6 months ago
    lets make a pool.
    How long before he get fired?
    How long before he has an accident and is found dead?
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    • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 6 months ago
      based on what i saw of him in the video, i'd have never hired him in the first place
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 1 year, 6 months ago
        I was thinking the same. He didn't give out the "vibe" of an executive of any company, but perhaps they boozed him up enough that he let the facade fall. But I guess freedomforall is right in that HR is not what it used to be :-)
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        • Posted by 1 year, 6 months ago
          Having had many dealings with "iHR" in the past, my experience is that it has always been a waste of scarce resources
          and it has always reduced quality of hiring in favor of compliance with government social engineering.
          Government regulation paperwork made iHR appear to be a way for management to comply while maintaining
          as much efficiency as possible given the circumstances. That was the time when management should have banded
          together to tell government to take a long walk off a short pier.
          Eventually big (fat, slow, noncompetitive) business realized they could corrupt government and destroy efficient
          smaller business competitors. Now American business has lost the edge that made America the world leader.
          Rand was right in AS. A strike to collapse these parasites is the only peaceful solution.
          Buy local. Boycott the enemy.
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  • Posted by Lucky 1 year, 6 months ago
    Walker: "I'm not even a scientist by background..."

    We now know the foreground and background. At Pfizer that qualifies for Director of R&D, Strategic Operations. Same as Director, Community Outreach.

    The incumbent cannot be dismissed but the job description, surely, says: Look pretty and keep mouth closed.
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  • Posted by 73SHARK 1 year, 6 months ago
    To paraphrase Obi-Wan Kenobi, "Newsweek is saying these aren't the experiments you're looking for. Go about your business. Move along".
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year, 6 months ago
    I was talking with a good friend recently -- I told him "If I ever get diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer, I will just disappear into the Grand Canyon or hike deep into the Mountains." He had a better idea: If you are confident that you only have another six-good-months remaining, take that time to "scour the Shire" -- go out into the world and cull as many parasites as you can find -- manifest your vision of maggots showing up in dumpsters. I enjoy having friends that are brighter than me.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 6 months ago
    Conveniently another Black man was beaten to death by “White Supremacy” and the video has been released to keep the masses distracted from the 800lb gorilla in the room.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 6 months ago
      Yes , but the ploy isn’t working for the fake news.
      If we have lost and the leftist have defeated us this Pfizer info would not see the light of day and you would still be locked down. Devolution saves the foundation of this land. The Demons seem to be hell bent on taking themselves down. Enjoy the show!
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 6 months ago
      Oh.....and the Pelosi footage dropped around the same time.
      No no no don’t look at that......or over there.......look at this.
      Absolutely pathetic that the useful idiots fall for it.....every single time.
      These are reasons why we’ll NEVER vote our way out of what’s coming.
      Go Galt
      Enjoy the Decline
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      • Posted by 1 year, 6 months ago
        Problem is, I like civilization as I experienced it from 1960's to 1990 in spite of the obvious problems created by the Deep State that led to the current debacle.
        If we do nothing to control the collapse in America, the psychotic elites will, and there will be no America to restrain them.
        We must be prepared and plan to make individual freedom and free markets the rule again.
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