This has to stop.

Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 5 months ago to Culture
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I blame Barry the faggot Soetoro for this as well as the schools ,media , Al Sharpton and any millionaire black athelete unless they decry this violent entitlement given in the name of BLM.
And another

It looks like Black 🏴thugs are the threat not
White cracker supremacists , please send any evidence such as these common cellphone videos that depict white supremacists attacking blacks.
In the boys case the attack clearly was planned as the cell phone was recording it all up close. 2 criminals in that assault imo.

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 5 months ago
    That's attempted murder and I can GUARANTEE that perp didn't miss one day of school. My son saw such a scenario at his school.

    Black on white crime is encouraged. It's taught. I know the appropriate answer to it, but don't talk about it in public. America is in serious, serious trouble...
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 5 months ago
    This will only get worse. I think both were set up with cameras waiting. If either was a white beating on a black the MSMM would be airing it every 5 minutes until cities and businesses all over the country were looted and burned. Apparently low IQ people think they are smart and tough making these videos, but are really documenting the cause of their own demise.

    I predict if this continues the whole world will eventually experience a "white supremacy" never before seen in history. Even though white people are only 15% of world population if history is any record it shows when white people get determined a lot can happen and it's not always pretty. Black on white crime is becoming less contained, meaning the bad genie is coming out of the bottle. Is this somehow being planned or exacerbated in some way?
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 1 year, 5 months ago
    As a young man growing up all in many places in and around NYC and Long Island, you never take your eyes off someone trying to intimidate you. You must be ready to react or better, act first. Being docile or polite means nothing to entitled assholes. A broken nose separates the psychopaths from the emboldened cowards. If someone can take a shot to the nose and still see red, run like hell.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 5 months ago
      That's why NY state and NYC should be forced to obey the 2nd amendment.
      Bullies are neutered by firearms in the hands of potential victims.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 1 year, 5 months ago
        I wish that were true. Detroit and Chicago come to mind, no one gives a damn about the violence, NY will be no different. Thugs and criminals don't give a damn about laws. The only thing the unconstitutional gun laws and prohibitions do is create a victim class in society with the states blessing.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 5 months ago
          What am I missing in your comment? It appears to state my case. Detroit and Chicago have strict gun laws and the result is more crime.
          "Firearms in the hands of potential victims" is what the 2nd amendment allows and that NYC violates with their unconstitutional gun laws - which gives the advantage to criminals instead of honest people.
          Criminals go for soft targets that strict gun laws assure. Unrestricted open carry will reduce crime.
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