No Surprises: Traitorous SCOTUS Refuses Hear Arguments In Brunson Case

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 4 months ago to Politics
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"Justices decided against hearing arguments in Raland Brunson v. Alma Adams. They did not explain their reasoning."

They can't explain when there is no "reason"ing, only treason.
The Supreme Court has proved again they are utterly corrupt and deserving of execution for treason.

Article text:
The U.S. Supreme Court on Jan. 9 turned down a case that sought to overturn the 2020 election.

Justices decided against hearing arguments in Raland Brunson v. Alma Adams. They did not explain their reasoning.

The move came after the case was distributed for justices to consider during their Jan. 6 conference.

Brunson, a Utah man, had asked the court to review the case after an appeals court in October 2022 upheld a lower court order dismissing his case.

Brunson originally filed his case in state court. He argued that federal officials, including all members of Congress, failed to meet their oath of office because they “intentionally refused” to investigate evidence that the 2020 election was fraudulent. The case was later moved to federal court.

Brunson did not pick up the phone or return a voicemail seeking comment on the Supreme Court’s rejection. He said in a brief statement on social media that “we will now make our next move,” or a petition for reconsideration.

The U.S. government did not respond to a request for comment. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar had opted to file no response to Brunson’s petition with the nation’s top court.

Brunson’s Case
Brunson noted that President Joe Biden’s campaign rallies would draw fewer people than former President Donald Trump’s and said that was “circumstantial evidence” that warranted an investigation into election fraud, but that defendants refused to investigate. He also pointed to how election laws in multiple states were changed before the election, including some changes that were later found to be unconstitutional, and affidavits from poll workers and others attesting to fraud.

The intentional act not to investigate fraud was an an act of war and an attack against Brunson’s right to participate “in a honest and fair election,” according to the complaint. It also violated the U.S. Constitution, Brunson said.

He asked the court to remove defendants from office and to order Trump to be inaugurated as president.

Government lawyers urged the court to dismiss the case, saying the claims were barred by legislative immunity.

1st Judgement
The court that received the case, the U.S. District Court for the District of Utah, said Brunson failed to establish standing.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Jared Bennett, appointed by other judges, said in a recommendation that Brunson did not prove he has a “personal stake” in the outcome of the action, or that he suffered an injury caused by the defendants.

“Mr. Brunson has failed to establish standing under Article III of the United States Constitution because all of his causes of action plead generalized claims of legislative nonfeasance arising out of the counting of electors’ votes,” Bennett said. “Mr. Brunson’s purported injury is precisely the type of undifferentiated and generalized grievance about the conduct of government that courts have declined to consider based on standing.”

Brunson objected to the recommendation and asked to file an amended complaint but District Judge Jill Parrish, an Obama appointee, rejected the request and adopted the recommendation, dismissing the case.

“Brunson does not argue that the changes to his complaint would affect his lack of standing to bring his claims. And the court is unable to discern any way in which the proposed changes would affect his standing to sue members of Congress,” Parrish said.

2nd Decision
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit later upheld the decision.

Brunson did not provide evidence he has standing, U.S. District Judge Bobby Baldock, a Reagan appointee, wrote in the ruling.

“Essentially, he contends that because he alleged the defendants acted fraudulently, and because ‘fraud vitiates whatever it touches,’ he has an ‘unfettered right to sue the Defendants,’ and any federal law or case law is inapplicable if it ‘support[s] treason, acts of war or the violation of Brunson’s inherent unalienable (God-given) rights,'” Baldock said. “But none of his supporting authorities suggests that allegations of fraud, acts of war, or the violation of allegedly ‘inherent unalienable (God-given) rights,’ relieve a plaintiff from demonstrating Article III standing.”

The U.S. Constitution’s Article III sets requirements for standing, restricting courts to deciding certain cases.

Brunson also offered insufficient argument against the lower court’s order finding that the government is protected by sovereign immunity, the appeals court ruled.

Brunson told the Supreme Court that the has standing and that his arguments have not been properly addressed in the lower court rulings.

“Brunson has an unfettered right to sue the Respondents under the serious nature of his claim,” the petition states, adding that “Brunson’s allegations against Respondents’ adhering to a domestic enemy, and committing acts of fraud are not protected by any kind of legislation of jurisdictional immunity.”

“Essentially, acts of Congress cannot protect fraud, nor protect the violation of the Oath or that give aid and comfort to enemies of the United States Constitution or America as alleged in Brunson’s complaint against the Respondents. These are facts that cannot be overcome,” the document states.

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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 4 months ago
    I’m shocked......SHOCKED!!!
    Well...not that shocked. I knew they didn’t have the cajones.
    Meanwhile...I’ve quit my job and shrugged. The 401K gets emptied out next month. I hope the fake manipulated market holds some value until then.
    Go Galt
    Enjoy the Decline
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  • Posted by starguy 1 year, 4 months ago
    So the rigged 2020 election will stand?
    And Mr. Thompson, uh I mean Brandon remains in the Oval Office?
    And here I thought AS was just a novel, from the 1950's.
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  • Posted by 1 year, 4 months ago
    "Government lawyers urged the court to dismiss the case, saying the claims were barred by legislative immunity."
    Speech of politicians is protected by "legislative immunity."
    Actions of politicians (and others) are NOT protected by "legislative immunity."

    As usual, the government lawyers (and judges and "Justice" Department) are LYING .
    This action is also not protected by "legislative immunity."
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 1 year, 4 months ago
    Objectivism --- Reality -> Reason -> Self Interest -> Capitalism
    Crazy liberal world we are living in now --- Fantasy -> Emotion -> Altruism -> Socialism
    It all starts with not being in touch with reality, and living in fantasy world. Ignoring the facts so everything fits "the narrative". There are plenty of facts that support election fraud. But we are forced to believe the fantasy that Biden won. At least I have hope that those on this site are still able to grasp reality.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 4 months ago
    no one should really be surprised

    the validity of the case is meaningless

    there was no way they were going to overturn the cheating done

    how can ANY American Citizen NOT have Standing against vote fraud, il-legal actions by politicians, ect.
    to say otherwise is to place zero value on being a Citizen

    but that is where we are....
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 1 year, 4 months ago
    take months and years and tons of time to jump all the hurdles, file all the papers appropriately, and play by the rules they set...and be essentially ignored.

    Comforting. The silver lining: at least we see consistency and camaraderie among those in all three branches of government.

    I still waiting for the mysterious military branch held in reserve to swoop in, arrest everyone and save the day. Space force, maybe? I suspect I'll get back to GITMO (went 2x long ago when serving) well before any of the traitors do.
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  • Posted by term2 1 year, 4 months ago
    The supreme court is a part of US government and its justices are paid by the government coffers. Therefore, it is highly likely that the supreme court will rule to protect the current government and its minions.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 4 months ago
    No Surprise. Not Shocked.
    But I will tell you what I am...
    Saddened. We will never hear the truth.
    Heck, we do NOT even know EXACTLY who is running the country.
    We have to use the "DEEP STATE" Moniker, because their IDs are deeply hidden.

    Their actions are not. Maybe some day, a very wealth MUSK will partner with some Sheriff's in many states, and using the technology, have these "protected people" arrested for real.

    Many people still think GATES is a "Good Person" because of his CHARITY... (Which was a simple tax evasion process)
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