Real Inflation Rate: Campbells Tomato Soup Up 29% in 2022

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 6 months ago to Government
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"Political Calculations has tracked the price history of Campbell's Condensed Tomato Soup over the past 126 years because of its remarkable consistency as an identifiable product over time. In fact, if you had a time machine and could travel to nearly any point in time from January 1898 to the present, you could likely find a 10.75 ounce size (Number 1) can of Campbell's condensed tomato soup stocked for sale in American grocery stores.

That long-running consistency makes Campbell's Condensed Tomato Soup an ideal product to follow to understand how inflation has affected American consumers through its history. Today, we're updating our chart visualizing that history from January 1898 through January 2023.

In January 2023, we find the prevailing average sale price for this food product over the past 12 months is $1.23 per can. That figure has risen by over 29% from the trailing 12 month average of $0.95 per can we recorded in January 2022.

We've seen a major change over the past two years with respect to the discounted sale pricing of Campbell's Condensed Tomato Soup by U.S. retailers. Discounting of its sale price has become both smaller and less frequent. Before March 2021, which marks Month 0 for when President Biden's inflation got started, it was rare to see the regular sale price of a can of Campbell's Condensed Tomato Soup above one dollar. In January 2023, that's now the lowest price at which American consumers can buy a can, where it has been temporarily reduced to that level by Kroger-affiliated grocery stores from their regular sale price of $1.29 per can during the week of 10 January through 17 January 2023."

Big surprise. The fedgov is lying, as usual, about inflation.

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