Thanks to NorthWestern Energy farsightedness, Montanans won't be freezing to death anytime soon--despite leftist agenda to remove Montana's hydroelectric dams, return rivers to "wild state"

Posted by bubah1mau 1 year, 6 months ago to Technology
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NorthWestern, Montana's biggest residential energy supplier, recently completed a deal to takeover ownership, maintenance, and likely future operation of the two biggest Colstrip powerplant units, #s 3 & 4. NorthWestern is under continuing pressure from leftist environmentalists to stop operating and remove its 11 hydroelectric dams in Montana allegedly to restore Montana's rivers to a "natural state." If leftists such as Sierra Club and American Rivers succeed in the removal of NorthWestern's Montana dams, at least there will be a means, via the Colstrip operation, to prevent Montanans from freezing to death.

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  • Posted by VetteGuy 1 year, 6 months ago
    Apparently California needs FEWER "wild rivers". Hydroelectric dams, in addition to providing power, are also useful for flood control and water storage.
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  • Posted by 1 year, 6 months ago
    Currently, hydroelectric power is the source of about 40 percent of electric power consumed in Montana. Take that away, and what's left as a dependable source of power?

    The recent failure of Texas wind farms to generate expected electricity in a winter storm underlines the importance of coal-fired electric power plants as the most dependable power source. And the Colstrip mine-to-plant installation, already in place, already having proved its dependability, is one of Montana's biggest single power assets.
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