GOP Approval Rating At Record High For Bringing Congress To A Grinding Halt!

Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 6 months ago to Humor
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Wow~~wheeeee! This is just great! Yes! Yes! Yes!
"Yes, this is NOT something we thought would happen," said a giddy Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz, one of the lawmakers responsible for the impass. "But now we're a hit with voters AND we're holding back the Swamp. Heck~hee! hee!~we'll take any positive result we can get."
Yes, dear readers, ain't this just peachy keen?

FLASH! This just in~~No! No! This just can't be! You won't believe what the Republicans went and did late last night! Me dino can't even bear to write it. Can't hardly see for weeping my eyes out! Just~just click the damn link!

SOURCE URL: https://babylonbee.com/news/republican-approval-ratings-at-record-high-after-bringing-congress-to-grinding-halt

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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 6 months ago
    I will be honest... If this goes on BEYOND 2026... I probably won't be upset!

    Yes, even if it closes down the NIH, NIAID, CDC, FDA, etc.

    I think this is the new secret.

    Unfortunately, McCarthy will simply get his PEERS in the democrat part to vote for him...

    Or other RHINOs will simply vote for the democrat so they can waste our time some more!

    Frankly, both options are ALMOST equally bad!
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 6 months ago
    Let's just detail a few of the provisions being requested by the "hold-outs" preventing McCarthy from becoming Speaker:
    1) Border controls, including an investigation into Obama and Soros for encouraging the invasion.
    2) The ability for any House member to offer amendments to Bills and not just the Rules Committee Members.
    3) Membership of at least four Freedom Caucus members on the Rules committee so they can scuttle omnibus bills.
    4) Spending constraints. Heaven forbid! [/s]
    5) Term limits for members of the Ethics Committee. (Right now, that's almost every Democrat on the Committee!)

    and that's just a start.
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