GoFundMe Page Started To Help Complete MLK Statue

Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 6 months ago to Humor
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In honor of Dr. King and Coretta Scott King, artist Hank Thomas has unveiled a 20ft statue of the two hugging called The Embrace despite many saying that's not what they see.
Let your heart not be troubled. Help from GoFundMe is on the way.
"It's just too hard in Biden's economy," the artist said. "You can't even complete a simple sculpture with just $10 million so I cut costs with an abstraction nobody seems to appreciate."
GoFundMe urgently requests help, starting with those who come to see the statue in all of its shortcutted glory to make a donation.
One British tourist from Liverpool agreed, saying as he opened his wallet, "Any bloke wot sez 'e caun't 'elp out wit dis just bloody as all 'ell 'as 'is 'ead up 'is arse."
SOURCE URL: https://babylonbee.com/news/gofundme-page-started-to-complete-mlk-jr-statue

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 6 months ago
    The same people who tore down Robert E. Lee's statue want us to fund a statue to MLK? We are living in an upsidedown world. Isn't operating by the same set of ideals.
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