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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 6 months ago
    And this is significant today why? I wasn't even born then and I'm older than dirt now. So Russia invaded some country. We''ve all done stupid things and later regretted them. Let's live in today.We have more serious problems. Our people from Jan 6 2020 are still in a jail in DC without bail or bail that is exhorbitant. Mold is growing around the jail, their relatives can't visit them, some are our Veterans. I want them released! Now!
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    • Posted by 1 year, 6 months ago
      "So Russia invaded some country. We''ve all done stupid things and later regretted them."
      Russia isn't regretting their stupid actions--they're repeating them.
      "Let's live in today.We have more serious problems."
      The Russia invasion is currently our most serious problem (world peace).
      "Our people from Jan 6 2020 are still in a jail in DC without bail"
      Bail is irrelevant once you're convicted.
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