The Feds aka the Insurance Mafia

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 5 months ago to Government
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"When the government takes your money – whether via the robbery called “taxation” or via the subtler form of theft styled “inflation” – there’s not much you can do to get it back. But you can save it back – by not spending money on things the government says you must but which you can still “get away” with not paying for.

There are many such, including not spending money on “health insurance,” which of course is no such thing in that it’s not possible to “insure” health. What used to be called medical insurance was exactly that – in that you paid for a policy that provided coverage in the event you got sick or hurt. Paying the premium did not mean you would be “healthy.” That being largely a question of age, genetic, habits and good – or bad – fortune.

The government says you must buy “health insurance” – which means the government says you must accept being robbed by the insurance mafia, which is exactly what it is in that a mafia is a for-profit racket that uses threats to coerce people into giving up their money for a “service” they neither want nor need. The only difference between the “family” of Don Corleone and the “family” of Aetna, Cigna, Blue Cross, et al being that the latter are legalized mafias that use the threat of government to make you pay.

The good news is you can avoid paying – by just not paying. One of the good things the Orange Man did before the Orange Man did things that undid most of the good things he did was to cancel what the government styled the “shared responsibility” payment. This being another of the government’s ways of rephrasing robbery-theft. The government demanded money – a lot of money – as punishment for not paying the insurance mafia money. Observe that paying the “shared responsibility” payment provided zero insurance coverage – establishing that the actual object of the exercise is to make you pay rather than to “cover” you.

The typical payment being about $800 for the year, increasing with each year the victim did not pay the insurance mafia. The Supreme Court, acting as consigliere for the insurance mafia, deemed this business not only legal but – hold on to your helmet – “constitutional.”

They held that the government could act as the Luca Brasi (Don Corleone’s enforcer) of the insurance mafia. That being forced to hand over money to a private, for-profit business for “services” you neither asked for nor use is within the scope of federal power authorized by the Constitution. And they may well be right – in that the Constitution was written in such an expansive manner – “general welfare,” “necessary and proper” – as to encompass any power the federal government decides to assert it has and which is then anointed as “constitutional” by the amen-chorus of the federal government’s power; i.e., the Supreme Court.

Those are the brutal facts – notwithstanding the fact that the Constitution was sold to the people as a constraint upon the powers of federal authority. Nor the fact that it probably would never have been ratified by the people if the people understood that by ratifying it, they were ceding to the federal government – to the handful of federal office-holders who are the federal government – essentially unlimited power to do as they like, so long as they deem it “necessary and proper” and in the interests of the “general welfare.”

And so they deemed it “necessary and proper” and in the interests of the “general welfare” to have the government act as the Luca Brasi enforcer on behalf of private businesses."

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 5 months ago
    Yes and the thousands of calls I have endured explaining I am covered for vision, hearing, and dental insurance (This goofy Part C they are pushing) under Uniformed Services Family Health Plan because my retired military husband died from Service Connected Injuries I could scream. They seemed reluctant to take my name off their lists. They slammed their phones down in my ear! N
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