Only one in 200 Nigerians use eNaira (CBDC). But CBs will outlaw Bitcoin before introducing CBDC in major nations -Just sayin'

Posted by bubah1mau 1 year, 8 months ago to Economics
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Author seems to overlook this point when he contends that Americans, Europeans will be still be allowed to choose between Bitcoin and CBDC, once CBDC is introduced. Nigerian gov didn't apparently have resources/ability to ban Bitcoin and cash when they introduced eNaira. So most Nigerians, not surprisingly, stuck with cash and Bitcoin. Things will be different I guess if Biden, for example, tries to replace US cash with CBDC (eDollar?). How could such a thing ever hope to compete with cash or Bitcoin? Obviously gov will have to ban both cash and Bitcoin if their plan is to have any chance of success.

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