Cayler Ellingson case in N. Dakota defines how/why leftists attack constitutionalists with relative impunity -Brandon Smith
Posted by bubah1mau 1 year, 11 months ago to Government
Murder by vehicle, confesses, pleads drunkenness as excuse, released after arraignment on $50,000 bail. In Chicago, NYC, other Dem cities, maybe released bail free under no-bail laws with drunkenness plea.
Attention GOP!
"Real conservatives stand for constitutionalism, the Bill of Rights, protection of innocent life, limited government, private property, sound money and free markets, equality of opportunity, meritocracy and decentralization."
Attention GOP!
Get off your cowardly asses and be real conservatives,
or you will be destroyed by the real conservatives you
falsely claim to represent.
You are in our sights, and we have ample ammunition.
Leftist law enforcement victories in Idaho......Montana....Tennessee ...and North Dakota just in the last year.
Blackpilled yet?
Keep up your good work FFA. N