Putin Speaks Out Against Far-Left World Order, Blasts Transgender Mutilation of Kids as ‘Outright Satanism’

Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 9 months ago to History
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You have read my description of the Evil as
The Satanic Luciferian Globalist Pee doh file Cabal.
Putin has known this for decades.

The Russian President told his people exactly what is at stake in their battle against the Soros-backed "world order"
Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke out against the far-left world order that’s spearheading the LGBT grooming and transgender mutilation of children, calling their goals “outright satanism” in a speech he made this week to the Russian people. The “colonialist” left-wing world order, Putin said, is “doomed to fail” thanks to its deliberate destruction of “traditional values” the world over.
Speaking to a collection of Russian lawmakers, governors, and faith leaders at the Kremlin, Putin took a stand for Christian tradition and basic human nature. Naturally, the Western corporate press immediately derided Putin’s speech and, even in reports that cite it, have refused to translate most of its contents for public consumption.

Speaking to “all the citizens of Russia,” Putin blasted the far-left world order that’s spearheading the transgender mutilation and gay grooming of children across the Western World.

Putin also remarked that he realizes that this is being done against the will of most Western peoples, who now live at the mercy of far-left, questionably elected governments.

Putin also remarked that he realizes that this is being done against the will of most Western peoples, who now live at the mercy of Q uestionably elected Goverments!
SOURCE URL: https://nationalfile.com/putin-speaks-out-against-far-left-world-order-blasts-transgender-mutilation-of-kids-as-outright-satanism/

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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 9 months ago
    Once Again, I would change presidents with Russia...

    Except I am not sure I Could force Biden on them... They are tough people, surviving Communism... But I am not sure they would survive Bidenism...

    Heck, I am not 100% certain WE WILL!
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 9 months ago
      "They are tough people, surviving Communism..." I've been saying for a while now the left, especially the American left, HATES Russia and Russians for throwing communism into the trash can of their history and wants them severely punished for doing so. The American left has been trying to precipitate a confrontation with Russia ever since the fall of the Soviet Union. Putin may be a dictator, but he's not a communist dictator. Yeah, the Russians know from close up experience that communism doesn't work and the Neo Communists of America hate the example the Russians have set regarding communism's failure.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 9 months ago
        I think I've mentioned having been there a few times. I am blown away by their rate of improvement. 30 years ago, I was sending computer components disassembled so that the criminals handling the packages would not steal them. Now... I go there and EVERYONE is connected with high speed. We were struggling to get a 28.8 modem running. LOL.

        And they have many of their own services, so quickly they will abandon the big tech, and have blocked them. IMO they are now more American than most Americans. Although a lot smarter because their education has been ROCK SOLID.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 9 months ago
          I agree but , That doesn’t sound like the narrative many have been conditioned to believe. Oh well it took a few years for “normies” to believe that there is rampant peedo’s running the western world.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 9 months ago
    Is there corruption in Russia......sure. But, hold up a mirror and look at us. The left likes to point to Russian conscription and say “See...see Fascism!” But, they ain’t seen nothing yet. Wait until Biden tries to conscript all the blue haired freaks.
    And that day is coming. I promise you that.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 9 months ago
    Hell's bells shotgun shells! Me dino must say that Comrade Ruskie Nuke-Rattler ain't all bad.
    What a world we live in!
    This has me wondering if that North Korean "Rocket Man" shares Putin's opinion about what sick and twisted "adults" do to little kids in Western countries.
    Albeit off topic, I'd also like to ask both what they think about men without a uterus giving birth.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 9 months ago
      Rocket man was controlled by the Deep State. Putin isn’t now or never was. Most of what we know has been told to US by the same liars who said Hunters Laptop was Russian Disinfo. Oh yes the same liars who said Ivermectin or horse paste will kill you. The same ones who said the 2020 election was the fairest ever.
      The same ones that said trust the science. They lied then but told the truth? about Putin. The Russian who jailed the oligarchs who were deep state pigs, He is the biggest thorn in their side besides DJT #45.
      Putin had to join the commie party as all Russians had to and he waited till the last minute to do so. He has never said a positive thing about communism. Another lie that most believed was that he was head of the KGB, far from it.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 9 months ago
        Thanks for the heads up about Rocket Man. +1
        Even if everything you wrote about Putin is correct, me dino does not size Putin up as a hero but as a nuclear threat. I know there's a lot of corruption in Crimea but I view big giant Russia attacking the place very similar to the Prussian kaiser's newly united Germany invading Belgium and doing bad things to anyone who resists. The Crimea may have had pedophilia activity but getting a lot of little kids killed is not a viable solution.
        The difference is that the modern Russian army can't pull off the invasion of a peewee-sized country as well as Imperial Germany did back during 1914. Now Russian citizens flee a conscription into a war they do not like reminiscent of Hippies fleeing to Canada to stay out of Vietnam.
        Putin is understandably frustrated but should he start pulling nukes out of Pandora's Box of very evil things, we who survive the holocaust will be living very different lives very soon. Bet there will no longer be an Internet and therefore we can say bye-bye to this Gulch that we share.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 9 months ago
          Yes Putin is the strong leader who, to me is looking for peace through strength. Nuclear power is having the ability to deliver said weapons. Ukraine clearly is a shit hole for the Biden Pillosi Soros Rotteney Schiff Clinton $$$ machine. 4 regions overwhelmingly voted to annex and join Russia ,the people who live there. I know that for 2 decades ,I was lied to that Putin was the head of the KGB.
          He has had to fight for 2 decades the same swamp creatures that are destroying The US. We have different takes and different opinions on Russia’s success in the beloved $ hole of Ukraine. How much are we sending this week? BTW do you know the troops Putin sent in were largely paid mercenaries who were very disciplined to avoid civilian deaths.
          I know Zekensky is a faggot cocaine addict who just bought his mom an eight million dollar villa in Italy.
          I don’t think Putin has those habits.
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        • Posted by LibertyBelle 1 year, 9 months ago
          Perhaps we could meet physically in a bar, or someplace like that, and have meetings. Back in the early 1980's, there was a tape lecture series in Richmond that featured Leonard Peikoff.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 1 year, 9 months ago
    Well, that's a surprise. Doesn't Phewtin know that in the West, it is the cultural "far left" that is more in favor of Communistic politics and proposed laws?
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 9 months ago
    We all agree, but this was the idea behind the narrative: remove US support for Ukraine based on renewed support for ideas that depart from the leftist, totalitarian Biden.

    This is about Ukraine, not real, left is not as much the issue as the requisite totalitarianism that is required to implement it, and then be a parasitical self-licking ice cream cone.

    Russia has already been through this. We are just starting. Do not foolishly believe Putin supports freedom. History has already shown this to be Q-level nonsense. However, this kind of statement is PRECISELY the kind of thing China and Russia depend on Q to amplify and manipulate. Not for freedom, but for their version of totalitarianism.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 9 months ago
      QAnons accuse the corrupt leaders of acts so truly evil that such crimes could never be carried out by anyone, therefore they are impossible and do not happen.

      Terrorism, biological warfare, psychological warfare, drug trafficking, human trafficking, child sex trafficking, spying, tracking, modern slavery, active concentration camps, intentional medical malpractice, mass censorship and propaganda, false flags, wars of choice and convenience, child torture and sexual abuse, ritual worship of the material world, the reimagining of the Elite self as a God of this realm, and the quest for immortality.

      These things are not real.

      Crazy, right? None of these things happen. They never have. Never in history.

      Because none of these things have ever happened, anywhere, ever, it’s easy to understand why very smart people would be inclined to believe they can never happen. Sure, stories about all of the above crimes against humanity could be found in the news of the past week, but it’s so difficult to trust stories about reality if the TV does not also agree. If it was important, surely, the television would let everyone know.

      But hey, we all know how nutty those lousy QAnons are! They believe all of those hideous crimes happen in the real world and the people most responsible never get punished! Crazy!
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 9 months ago
        If I were an enemy of the US, I would precisely try to get the US fighting the US, and distract as much of the country as possible. Polarize, polarize, polarize. Thinking totally optional.

        You can keep suggesting I am not a person who believes crimes are bad, or a person with interest and capability of resisting totalitarian oppression. However, you are as pathetically wrong as Q was when "it" predicted Hillary Clinton was going to be arrested. Happy to demonstrate.

        I spend my time trying to sway people to change their views, not sitting on my porch irrelevantly bitching about children running across my lawn. Since 2020 taught 6 democrats to shoot and got them LTCs. They are now happily buying firearms and asking their own questions about the nonsense around firearms, and now... other nonsense. I would have any of them defend me if something happened. What did you, or Q, change?
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        • Posted by 1 year, 9 months ago
          Since the infamous “Q” first posted on an anonymous and uncensored message board on October 28th, 2017, in the weeks following the still-unexplained Las Vegas Massacre, the media has been covering the ‘Q’ information phenomenon, or at least that’s what they purport to be doing.

          The Vegas massacre, we’re told, was the deadliest mass shooting in US history. It was a media story for a few days, but apparently not worth more interest than the propagandizing of a suitable patsy and a ‘ban on bump stocks’. “QAnon”, on the other hand has warranted thousands of articles and near daily coverage by mainstream outlets despite not being a real thing.

          We all know of the very dangerous “QAnon”, the disparate and unorganized group of various -ists and -phobes who cause all the problems in America today. They are in a cult, as the story goes, whose central tenet is that they believe the completely absurd claim that the world is run by a group of corrupt and compromised, wealthy and well-connected people who sit somewhere above the law while anyone who doesn’t constantly pledge to advance their cause is systematically destroyed. It’s such a ridiculous idea - not only isn’t it happening, it cannot happen.

          In the QAnon’s anger toward their betters, their bitterness, and their bigotry, these dupes believe these corrupt leaders possess an infinite capacity for evil. Loonier yet, these supposedly evil and corrupt leaders carry out these crimes against humanity while convincing the world they are actually doing good. They play this trick so well that a society replicates the trick, ever able to rationalize evil, no matter how heinous or pernicious, in society first, and then in their personal lives. How many lies, in a given day, do people convince themselves are true? You’d have to be crazy to think the world works this way, and those unhinged QAnons really believe it!

          The pursuit of wealth, power, and social status above all else is the root of all evil. The world’s wealthiest, most powerful, and most high-status people and organizations pursue these goals relentlessly, at the expense of entire countries. They do it in coordinated fashion to achieve one common goal – global domination under their control. One evil force that convinces humans to submit to its power by enticing them with possessions, control, and fame. Does that sound like Satan? Does it sound like Satan-ism? I’m not a religious scholar, so I don’t know, but I guess that’s what those wacky QAnons believe.

          The corrupt, evil, Satanists (according to QAnons) are involved in crimes against humanity so abhorrent that one would never believe them possible, if one were not to witness these crimes for themselves. QAnons accuse the corrupt leaders of acts so truly evil that such crimes could never be carried out by anyone, therefore they are impossible and do not happen.

          Terrorism, biological warfare, psychological warfare, drug trafficking, human trafficking, child sex trafficking, spying, tracking, modern slavery, active concentration camps, intentional medical malpractice, mass censorship and propaganda, false flags, wars of choice and convenience, child torture and sexual abuse, ritual worship of the material world, the reimagining of the Elite self as a God of this realm, and the quest for immortality.

          These things are not real.

          Crazy, right? None of these things happen. They never have. Never in history.

          Because none of these things have ever happened, anywhere, ever, it’s easy to understand why very smart people would be inclined to believe they can never happen. Sure, stories about all of the above crimes against humanity could be found in the news of the past week, but it’s so difficult to trust stories about reality if the TV does not also agree. If it was important, surely, the television would let everyone know.

          But hey, we all know how nutty those lousy QAnons are! They believe all of those hideous crimes happen in the real world and the people most responsible never get punished! Crazy!

          It’s important when thinking of those filthy QAnons to remember that you don’t personally know any of them because you don’t want to know any of them. You would never let them be around you! They would immediately try to poison your mind and make you think the same things all QAnons think!

          Those people are all the same, right? Wait, no, that’s for the blacks, thinks a Biden voter, before getting angry and Googling things in zher phone until the anger goes away.

          These QAnons, addled as they are, think there are evil people in the world - some of them American public officials, corporate executives, media figures, and celebrities - who carry out their evil in a quest for global domination and eternal life. It’s nuts!

          Never in world history has anyone longed for global domination under a singular rule and never has anyone wanted to live forever, even just to see what it would be like! Honestly, how could any intelligent person believe any of it?

          None of it could ever happen, therefore none of it ever has. Certainly not by George Soros, who helped the Nazis load his neighbors onto the trains (which he admitted on 60 Minutes, of all places). George Soros would not do something evil, he’s a philanthropist, like Bill Gates, who also could not be evil because computers. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama could not have spied on Donald Trump. How dare you even say that about the first black president and the first woman president (if not for Russia)?

          So QAnons are probably stupid and uneducated. All the very smart people agree that evil, as described, cannot exist, therefore it does not exist. They seem to believe this to be true at all times, except when you ask them. They’re aware that the evil does exist, occasionally. They will admit that evil acts exist. Depending on how depraved or detached from reality they are, they will shift to rationalizing that the evil is either rare or cannot affect them.
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          • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 9 months ago
            There is no way I'm reading this. However, what I see in skimming is "Are you saying none of these things happen, because Q noted them?"

            The answer is "No". I am not saying bad things don't happen. I am not saying evil people don't exist in politics, among the wealthy influential or other.

            I am saying:
            1. There is no reason for the ridiculous, obfuscative language of Q. This is to avoid specifics and allow people to develop their own ideas about what the words mean... just like a horoscope.
            2. Q has made some BIG assertions, particularly in times leading up to elections. Many of these have been complete BS, like the one I mentioned. A source of information that is simply wrong is completely useless. Q has been wrong in direct predictions, a lot. Many of these silly predictions have led up to elections, AND they have been promulgated here. "Heads are going to roll", "Here it comes", on and on ... and no heads are rolling.

            Each one of these wastes time, and stalling or at least distracting a logical, reasoned, objective response, in favor of a bunch of flag waving and futile, vindictive bluster. Which is exactly what our enemies want, domestic and international.

            So if you want to keep reading Q, go ahead. When you repeat and amplify these messages, you are doing NOTHING but supporting the cause of totalitarians. Congratulations, you distracted people actually working on freedom.

            Gulching is one solution (maybe time). Converting minds is another (where I want to work). Whining, shaking one's fist and stirring a crowd into a frenzy is less than useless. It is counterproductive. It is precisely what our enemies want. It does not matter if Q was right once. There is nothing useful to date that has helped develop a practical response to totalitarianism.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 9 months ago
      Now it’s both Russia and China depending Q?
      Ha ha
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 9 months ago
        Enemies of the US are enemies of the US. It isn't complicated.

        Of course if you believe that uniquely wise, secret-secret-secrets need to be secluded in ridiculous written "tongues" has a good reason, opening a fridge could be complicated, and the lunar landing was probably faked.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 9 months ago
          I observe , you believe.
          Try this cryptic written in “tongues” Q post

          #2329. 10/4/2018 ( 4 year delta)
          UNITED WE STAND.
          We are honored.
          ANONS are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless, and FEARLESS.
          We are grateful.

          I won’t post his trip code as that might make the message to confusing to you.
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