New Zealand to Introduce Cow ‘Burp’ Tax to Tackle Climate Change [VIDEO]

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 1 year, 9 months ago to Books
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Nailed it. This was one of the more absurd reaches that I speculated on in my novel Shadows Live Under Seashells.
All things considered it’s hard to be too surprised by this these days.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 9 months ago
    American should become a world leader in rational policy.

    Perhaps a law licensing anyone who pays a large fee to burn at the stake a randomly selected member of con-gress would be a good way to balance the national budget.

    It would simultaneously raise funds and partially counter the financial inducements that attract funding for evil looters to run for con-gress.

    Sure, it's crazy. It's also easier to prove the benefits than proving human caused climate change.
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