What? The "Vaccines" don't cause cancer! [/s] Except when they do...

Posted by $ blarman 2 years ago to Science
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And more of this is soon to happen. Watch the developed world population decline over the next ten years...
SOURCE URL: https://www.westernjournal.com/pro-vaccine-immunologist-gets-jabbed-starts-feeling-worse-ct-scans-confirm-absolute-nightmare/

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years ago
    Don't try to tell me COVID and the vaxes don't activate cancer cells. My daughter in law died in two weeks and my best friend spent six weeks in the hospital because the COVID disease and vaxes activated cancer cells she had been 'managing'.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years ago
      There was evidence that the c19 mRNA vaxes shut off the t-cells. So, sure. No surprise that somebody who had been holding off a certain cancer would suddenly die from it. My brother had a very aggressive melanoma show up within a year after getting the shot(s). Melanoma, apparently, is one of the favorites of these vaccines. Pretty miserable way to go...
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years ago
    Of course they do. Look what's in them. Haha!...I have to chuckle at this point... Our citizens are all, "Oh my gosh! Only a small amount of my pancreas controls my insulin levels and now, after years of taking the flu shot (and after my grandchild had the MMR) now we have diabetes in the family?!..." Don't pay attention to any biology in school kids. Just focus on your gender identity...
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