What Are They Thinking?

Posted by $ rainman0720 1 year, 9 months ago to Science
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First, why in the world would ANY laboratory screw around with the Covid virus in attempt to create a more deadly biological weapon?


Maybe I'm missing something, I don't know. But in my 65 years, this is probably the most idiotic thing I've heard,
SOURCE URL: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11323677/Outrage-Boston-University-CREATES-Covid-strain-80-kill-rate.html

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 9 months ago
    Jumping off a high bridge just because you can isn't very smart, either. The problem here is these fools, who think they are so smart, are taking the rest of us with them. They are reaching for a Darwin award and they won't be alone. They hate life and humanity.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 1 year, 9 months ago
    For one thing, it does prove that gain of function is real. For me this confirms the theory that Covid was manipulated in the Chinese lab. The next step is to prove it was released intentionally. How do you control 1.4 billion people in China and cull the herd? Hell of a lot easier than firing squads and gas chambers.
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  • Posted by Joseph23006 1 year, 9 months ago
    Many eople these days are reared with no sense of morality, the concept that though we have the capability to a thing it may not be right in doing it!
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 9 months ago
    These morons doing the research is idiotic, but to announce it proudly shows a lack of understanding with what they have just unleashed on the world. A lab accident is not even necessary now that slime like wealthy one-worlders know it's possible.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 9 months ago
    Seeing that photo of how those three playing with poison pinheads smile in their full body suits like they're having such a wonderful time big time rubs me the wrong way.
    Let's see them smile when 80% (or more) of their families are wiped out after another so-called "lab accident."
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 9 months ago
      Oh, their families will be fine. They'll have access to the sterile bio chambers, and whatever vaccinations would be available, and whatever cures might be available. They won't lose 80% of THEIR families. No, they're better than us common dumbasses, so we'll be the ones paying the ultimate price for their arrogance.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 9 months ago
        You may very well be right. Considering I'm 75 up against that 80% mortality rate, I'm a goner for sure.
        Fortunately, I've paid for my grave and the funeral and have a contract with a nice funeral home to prove it.
        Uh-oh! New thought. With 80% of us croaking along with me and all the rest, who is gonna bury all of us?
        Let's say I make it to age 80 when some Woke wacko wants to 80% reduce the parasite human population.
        By then the power grid will have collapsed because all the windmills and solar panels can't power all the EVs we are only allowed to have.
        By then our world may look pretty much like this video~~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GU0d8...
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        • Posted by $ 1 year, 9 months ago
          Another "Uh-oh" thought...not only WHO is gonna bury the 80%, but WHERE is the 80% gonna be buried? Or will Soylent Green become non-fiction, just like Atlas Shrugged has become?
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 9 months ago
            Soylent Green is a possibility due to the advanced food shortages the Puppet-In-Chief's almost as stupid for radical handlers will have created by then.
            Otherwise, it will be awfully smelly around here. At least old dino will be a stench contributor and not a nasal receiver. In other words, I'll be too dead to care.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 9 months ago
    just like the idiots that are trying to bring back dinosaurs
    no thoughts for others
    just a desire to be the newest Dr Frankenstein
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  • Posted by chad 1 year, 9 months ago
    There is no limit to the desire to discover more efficient and deadly means of destroying any undesirable population or portion thereof. When I was on the NBC (Nuclear, Biological, Chemical warfare team) in the Marines 55 years ago I was informed of a claim that they had developed a disease that had no cure! What do you do if you use it??
    I don't think they intended for a 'public' announcement, but they were proud of their work. And of course they believe that if they decide to use it they can control it and it won't affect them. If it eliminates some of their population they would probably be okay with that too.
    They same process and logic is followed in developing nuclear weapons. If the enemy can build weapons that can kill 1 million then we need one that can kill 2 million, and the enemy responds.
    You are correct. It is idiotic.
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  • Posted by FelixORiley 1 year, 9 months ago
    Because the carbon core of all these calamities is: population control and management.
    The Global Elites have asserted for decades that the Earth would be better off with 70% fewer humans. I say we begin with the Global Elites.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 1 year, 9 months ago
    The makers should be charged with crimes against humanity for geneticlly engineering such a strain. This is acrimes like those in Nazi germany. Someone should to to prison or be executed. Why are they bragging, becaseu they are signally one world order pals that they can now reach the depopulation qota of 75% needed to please the New Wrold Order and UN bunch. They are thumbing their noses at the pesants.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 1 year, 9 months ago
    They’re thinking that their first attempts, and accompanying manipulation, to kill people wasn’t as effective as they’d wanted. This is their next attempt to kill off those immunity deficient from the jabs and booster and maybe kill off folks like me, unjabbed with a hearty natural immune system.

    Still waiting on those pesky optics???
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 9 months ago
      Ok, I'll admit that I didn't read 100% of the article, and I probably went into Chicken Little mode a bit prematurely.

      Yes, this thing killed 8 of the 10 lab mice they tested it on. But regarding those mice, I found this:

      "The scientists admit the hybrid virus is unlikely to be as deadly in humans as it was in mice. This is because the specific breed of lab mice used are very susceptible to severe Covid disease. Mice and humans also have very different immune responses to the virus."

      I still think they certifiably f**king insane to do this research.
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  • Posted by Sp_cebux 1 year, 9 months ago
    The answer is simple: control.

    They want us to know they've concocted a weapon that all the bullets and pipe-bombs of the red-neck villages will not be able to defend.

    They'll probably combine it with a peptide, make it aerosol-uble and drop it from drones flying over our heads in the middle of the night. When the time is right for riot-control, they'll turn on the 5G beam at 18GHz and the problem is solved.

    The answer as to why: I'm sure they told the scientists this would be used as a "deterrent" to Putin and Xi. This way, the scientists' morals would be kept in-check; building the bomb to keep our enemies afraid of attacking us.
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    • Posted by bsudell 1 year, 9 months ago
      You said "Control" and I said "Fear." They both get the same result - to eliminate humans. They really do want 1/2 a billion people. They won't stop on their own. We have to stop them with a simple, NO.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 9 months ago
      "They'll probably combine it with a peptide, make it aerosol-uble and drop it from drones flying over our heads..." In the book "Battlefield Earth", which was better than the not-so-bad movie, the aliens flew drones over the planet spewing "kill gas" to rid the planet of human population. Looks familiar.
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      • Posted by Sp_cebux 1 year, 9 months ago
        Also, as others have alluded to here, there is no over-arching judge or jury to convict them of anything these days. We live in a largely LAWLESS time. They do not fear scrutiny, much-less incarceration for Crimes Against Humanity.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 9 months ago
    Like I said. Thinking is the hard part! These fools try to convince us these are 'Defensive' weapons. I thought the world we know had done away with the production of bioweapons and here we are doing it. A friend, high ranking military, tried to assure me this was the case. I just gave him a dirty look and went on drinking my wine. Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.
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  • Posted by bsudell 1 year, 9 months ago
    Why? you ask.
    FEAR is the simple answer.
    Look at how well it is working.
    They want us terrified, so we make stupid mistakes and it is easier to kill us.
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  • Posted by mshupe 1 year, 9 months ago
    Because they can. Arbitrary is the new intellectual standard. Unlimited government funding means they need to act or the money dries up. Ready, fire, aim.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 9 months ago

    I’m sure this has funding from “The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”. The people paying the bills WANT it to get out. They’ve said as much. If you think they’re idiots......it’s because they are. Intelligence and Wisdom are two entirely different attributes. Remember.....we are talking about college educated idiots. Most of them probably can’t define what a woman is.
    This is society pulling the TV on its own head. Best to get out of “society” if you want to live.
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