And Obama chastised Romney for saying Russia was still the biggest threat to the US...

Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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Which other nation has an arsenal of functional long-range NUKES - and a leader sociopathic enough to use them?

Obama is either a willing stooge or truly one of the most imbecilic Presidents we've ever had.

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  • Posted by UncommonSense 9 years, 9 months ago
    In my opinion, whenever there's a discussion about the enemies of America, they need to be separated into two camps: Enemy's outside of America's borders and enemy's within our borders.

    Now, anyone on the Left reading this, will obligatorily gravitate to using the race card...heck, everything with them must have something to do with race. But all they are doing is responding to the mind-copulation they have been to conditioned to receiving in college and the MSM. So, they are to be ignored by the rest of us who use our brains independently.

    No, the enemies I'm speaking of are the political ones. Between the one's outside and the ones inside. History has shown us which ones present the greatest threat to the stability & prosperity of any nation, regardless of location & (gasp) race.

    That said, the central cabal of privately-owned banks (the federal reserve ~ nothing federal (government speaking) about it and NOTHING in the 'reserves" are among the ones who pose our greatest threat. Leftist non-profits "not for taxing" & other family foundations and trusts that were laid down by John D Rockefeller Sr. blazed a path that has been copied thousands of times over since. A current example is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Do you really believe they have your best interests at heart? Look no further than the corrosive & highly mentally toxic kommon kore.

    My point here is, between Putin's Russia and the ones I spoke about living within the US., I'm not the slightest bit worried about those overseas ~ it's just a diversion to keep the masses divided and from forming a strong perception that the greatest threat is from within and not beyond...and that something needs to be done about it.

    What did Yuri Bezmenov say? "They will have to be forcibly removed." Signing petitions & forming crowds are noble, but they won't accomplish anything.

    One would think with the size of our Police State and the military-grade weapons they have on hand, the task of arresting these slime would be easy enough. But do not forget: the officers are 'just obeying orders' just like the guards near the end of Atlas Shrugged.

    Clearly, the MSM, the politicians and police at several levels answer to their masters, and that wouldn't be US.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 9 months ago
    With my own experience in aerospace I can tell you that we remain light-years ahead of Russia in terms of technology.

    I know I may get flamed for this but here goes. I think we have missed an opportunity to transition Russia into being an ally. The past 20 years have been a pivotal time for this and, frankly, we chimp-fisted our way through it. Now, they are working with Iran to develop nukes and work around the sanctions we have imposed. It's all just a mess. Russia, the past 25 years has been in a phase where they were more open to new ideas than they have been in a long, long time.

    I want my kids to grow up in a world with less war than I and my dad have. Not likely now.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 9 months ago
    For once he was correct, although he would never reveal the truth.
    The fedgov/bankster elite are the biggest threat to America,
    As for your specific question:
    Oprahma the puppet with his fingers on the nuclear button and his pen creating unending unconstitutional executive orders.
    He challenges GWB as most imbecilic puppet POTUS.

    As for this "news" release, it appears that the elite recognize the need for a more credible immediate threat than arab terrorists and ebola to keep the populace frightened enough to stay on the ship and leave the lifeboats for the elite.
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