Nord Stream pipeline was sabotaged

Posted by jack1776 2 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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Speculation that the explosion of the Nord Stream pipeline was sabotage is running rampant, especially when our feeble commander and chef as said we would end the pipeline if Russia attacks Ukraine. Did the United States just commit an act of war against Russia?

I guess there is no doubt that this was intentional, three separate explosions were detected. This leaves speculating on who did it.

Russia – As a black flag operation to give them an excuse to wage war on the US by blaming the US and to punish Germany for supporting the Ukraine.

World Economic Forum – Another opportunity to cause pain and suffering to further their agenda.

United States – Retribution against Russia for destroying the democrat money laundering system. Our feeble command and chief pretty much said this would happen.

We are pre-World War II Germany…

This is looking pretty bad, I expect escalation is in order, how do you see this unfolding?
SOURCE URL: https://tinyurl.com/3w5p2sp9

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 4 months ago
    The idiot has been wanting to start a war. I think his feebleness is a hoax. He thinks he'll get the sympathy factor. I did feel sorry for him but not anymore.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 4 months ago
      At first me dino kinda did too for considering him a victim of elder abuse. Take that BETTER SAY DOCTOR Jill!!!
      Career politician Quid Pro Quo Joe is a liar, a criminal and a traitor who deserves no sympathy save for the harsh justice he shall never receive.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 4 months ago
    Last night I first heard about that pipeline being sabotaged from Tucker Carlson, who also revealed Biden stating he would deprive Putin from having it when Russia began to invade the Crimea.
    Today dino was on my way to buy a Church's Chicken dinner just before lunch when I heard on my car radio Rush replacements Clay Travis and Buck Sexton discuss a memo the CIA put out a month ago about the Nord Stream 2 pipeline being under threat.
    Just who put out that threat was not mentioned.
    So before I even reached Church's, me dino was thinking it likely that Biden "sent a memo" (so to speak) to the CIA to put out that memo to provide a nice little smokescreen.
    Way to go, Joe. I haven't thought much about being nuked since the Cuban Missile Crisis.
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    • Posted by ohiocrossroads 2 years, 4 months ago
      I'm not very worried about being nuked by Russia. Judging by how their military has performed in Ukraine, their intercontinental nukes are probably more of a threat to them than us.
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      • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 4 months ago
        then you are not paying attention

        one 5MT warhead high above Chicago, 200,000,000 dead Americans in a year

        and Russia flies to the Space Station, they can reach above Chicago

        and just how many of the 5,000 allowed warheads do you think need to reach us to be an issue?

        SS-N-21 is like our Tomahawk (UGM-109, now retired from use, all nuke versions gone)

        get a damn clue, once a nuke goes, all rules are off

        and we will not talk about the nuke powered Russian sub that is computer controlled and can guide itself and its nuke warhead into harbors
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  • Posted by $ splumb 2 years, 4 months ago
    Whoever did it, proved Trump correct.
    All I can picture is those smug Germans laughing when Trump warned them that the Russians would cut off the gas.
    I'll be having a nice big bucket of popcorn with a side of Schadenfreude watching the Germans freeze this winter.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
      Indeed! I recall seeing German bigwigs smirking, sneering, and sniping at Trump. Even if they genuflect and kiss Russian butt it will be too late to save them this winter. Nothing will happen to the bigwigs, but the German serfs are screwed.
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  • Posted by $ jdg 2 years, 4 months ago
    This is an outrageous act of war, admitted by the US, not just against Russia but against all of Western Europe.

    The least I see happening as a result is that most or all of the European NATO countries stop allowing shipments to Ukraine and tell Biden that the war of aggression he started is his own problem.

    NATO would actually be justified in going beyond that and calling up the alliance against the US.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 4 months ago
      Sadly, I think you are correct. I’m expecting a retaliation against the United States and to weaken our ties with allies. Seems like we are being soften for the fight. Stitching all of this together with push pins and a lot of yarn, we have social and family destruction, economic destruction, our military is woke(ish), our law enforcement is corrupt only serving the needs of this corrupt administration, energy costs are sky high, education has become worthless, the dollar is about to collapse under its own debt. Soon is starvation… Lest see, we can make this worst my selling our strategic oil supply to our soon to be enemies. We could give cash and weapons to our enemy as we pullout. We could piss off our only allies and to top it all off, we can stop our own domestic energy production. Oh, wait…
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      • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
        Good list on how far the Neo Communists are willing to go to drop the USA on its head so they can usher in their commie plan for the "greater good", Ha - good for themselves while the rest of the country suffers.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years, 4 months ago
    War is an extremely profitable business. Perhaps the most profitable business there is. The very same group of International Usury Bankers have been starting and funding both sides of every war since Napoleonic times. Why should this be any different? Wars bring down governments, change entire social structures. bankrupt nations. Biden (or whoever is playing the role) is nothing but a sock-puppet. If WWIII breaks out, China will side with Russia, so will Iran and several South American countries. Don't rule out other nations playing the petro-dollar card. Many nations who say they are our allies are POed over our irresponsible and reckless spending, putting their economies in real and inescapable debt. There is much support for a new central currency not US-centric. There is much scuttle-butt centered around a Yuan/Ruble. It's not just bombs and bullets that cause war devastation. Breton Woods put the US in-charge after WWII, that can change in a heartbeat.. You think prices are high now? Wait until the Dollar is a second or third-rate currency.
    England may have won in 1945, but they lost everything in the process.
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 2 years, 4 months ago
    A fourth option, perhaps related to the World Economic Forum, would be on behalf of an independent ecoterrorist (or organization).

    A fifth option would be any or all of Nordstream's competition.

    This could be a good novel!
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  • Posted by 2 years, 4 months ago
    If they were planning this since before February 22 and our halfwit of a commander and chief admitted to it, we are all in for some very ruff times ahead. There is no positive outcome to this action.
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  • Posted by Flootus5 2 years, 4 months ago
    We live in an era of unprecedented mass global electronic gaslighting. Everything has plausible deniability and deniable plausibility.

    I have said since early this year that something will be engineered to delay/cancel the November mid-term elections. The DS cannot afford the results, and will likely have a tough time to adequately prevail (in "their" minds) regardless of the hi-jinks they have perfected to date.

    "They" are clearly going for a Hail Mary global gambit and are risking everything despite the degree of rock flipping scorpion scurrying that has gone on during the last accelerating 5 years. And to take the US is the grand maneuver - the checkmate that ends the game.

    It has been famously said to never let a good crisis go to waste. Well, it is now SOP to gin up the needed crisis and it's timing.

    The whole Ukraine thing has been an exercise in global shenanigans with such a Potemkin War. All of these players are complicit - WEF's, UN's, Nato's, various Administrations, Puppet Media Conglomerates, you name it. And one really has to wonder why such antics ramp up the closer the November elections loom?
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 2 years, 4 months ago
    Biden stood right on stage and said they would end it, then said, cryptically, "we have ways." You bet the do. Germany is stupid for supporting Ukraine, headed by one of the Nazi helpers during Hitler, Soros! How dumb are they? Does anyone think Biden remembers one of those AI robots, the way his legs move? Is he really alive or has he been replaced? Biden figurae has called for reason to atatck Russia, but we know Soros is calling the policy, via his Government for Impact, funded through his Open Borders. .
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 2 years, 4 months ago
    Would not make a lot of sense for Russia to destroy/damage the physical pipeline. Don't they have valves/controls for the flow? I know NONE of this makes sense
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    • Posted by 2 years, 4 months ago
      Its obvious that Russia didn’t do it, they make money from it and already had the pipeline shut off trying to force the EU to pay their back bills. By distorting it, no need for the EU to pay up to get it turned back on again because it doesn’t exist anymore. Russia sells a lot of gas through that pipeline, destroying it only helps destroy Russia’s economy.

      Maybe Black flag operation to start a conflict with the United States, I think most people could start a war in some other way without causing personal injury.

      These arguments that are made through our media must be carefully constructed like this for a purpose. Making a non-sensical arguments must serve some unknown purpose, I just do not know what. Most lucid people can see through these arguments, its kinds of like Russia hacked the e-mails at the DNC to help Trump, please. Or to take this brand-new untested vaccine with unknow long team side effects to protect you from the flu which isn’t even deadly.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 4 months ago
    War is always the easiest time to effect population control and systemic change. Look back over the history of the United States after the War of 1812 and you'll find that Leftists are largely to blame.

    Andrew Jackson - then a General - led an unauthorized war to take Florida and Georgia from the "Spanish" (really the Native tribes there who were actually quite modern and friendly.) He would later send many of them to die on the infamous Trail of Tears.

    Southern Democrats led by James Calhoun and others - agitated for secession beginning in the 1830's. Eventually, led by Jefferson Davis, the Democrats succeeded in pressing for dissolution, instigating the US Civil War.

    Woodrow Wilson pressed the United States into engagement in WW I. The German embassy complained about the Lusitania and its cargo of munitions before it ever sailed from harbor. It's sinking galvanized the United States to engage in WW I on foreign soil. What many also don't know is that this also led to a massive wealth transfer from the US to Britain's central bank, which was under threat of dissolution because of the strain of war. Wilson was also the President who signed into law the Federal Reserve Act.

    FDR pressed the United States into WW II. While it is not probable that the US could remain neutral forever, FDR did use the excuse of the war to try to further his leftist agenda which had been largely rolled back by the courts.

    Harry Truman (nominally a Republican) refused to come to the aid of Chinese General Chiang Kai-Shek immediately following WW II, then later regretted that decision when he faced Chinese-backed troops in Korea - a war which has been unresolved for nearly 70 years.

    While Dwight Eisenhower - formerly the only 5-star General ever in the United States - was President during the outset of the Vietnam War, the war was escalated by John F Kennedy and Lyndon B Johnson, only coming to a close under Nixon after nearly two decades. Johnson especially used the crisis to build up the US war machine and stump for social change. Johnson and Kennedy were key players in the highest tensions during the Cold War. Kennedy was also responsible for abandoning Cuban freedom fighters to socialists after pledging to support them.

    Jimmy Carter famously caved to terrorist groups, allowing American civilians to remain as prisoners in Iran until Reagan took over.

    President Ronald Reagan used his military might to curb the territorial ambitions of one Libyan general/dictator while also negotiating the standdown and collapse of the Soviet Union.

    Bill Clinton instigated unrest in both Central Europe and Africa in order to distract from his disastrous social and economic policies - as well as his personal scandals. He also ignored the treason of Yassar Arafat in forcing concessions from the Israelis in exchange for... more terrorism.

    GW Bush used the excuse of the Kuwaiti invasion to band with Democrats in passing the PATRIOT Act, which has now widely been recognized as probably the single biggest freedom-curbing piece of legislation (with the possible passing of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 as a contender).

    Barack Obama used the ongoing excuses of "kinetic military action" in the Middle East and African to funnel billions of dollars to Democratic supporters in various industries. He also supported Iran - the largest state sponsor of terror in the world - by giving them billions of dollars in frozen assets contrary to law. Obama also ignored Putin's invasion of the Crimean Peninsula, emboldening the Russians.

    Donald Trump was pilloried for negotiating the Abraham Accords which brought peace and stability to the Middle East. He also forced concessions from the Chinese in trade policy.

    Joe Biden has nearly drained the US strategic oil reserve, largely ignored China, depleted American stockpiles of weapons by giving them to Ukraine, and defrauded taxpayers out of TRILLIONS of dollars in fraudulent COVID spending, inflation-inducing waste, and more reckless spending. He has also furthered the work of Obama by destroying the integrity of the fighting spirit of the US Armed Forces and pushed partisan politics into law enforcement.

    Yes, you can point to leftists as the harbingers of destruction.
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    • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 4 months ago
      Truman was a fool, he allowed himself to be guided by the Soviet agents in government
      harry dexter white
      algier hiss and his brother
      and another that i forget his name
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  • Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 4 months ago
    Laughing at Slim Pickens riding the nuke. Not laughing at the atrocious situation this world finds itself in. I do not believe the '22 elections will happen. If, by some chance, there is an election the winner has already been decided. I plan on voting just the same. No fireplace here, no way to keep warm except to do a lot of baking--if the gas stays on.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 4 months ago
    The mainstream reaction to this is all the proof we need that we are living in Clown World. Everybody knows who did it. The SOSUS arrays on the bottom of the Baltic caught the acoustic data. NATO knows who did it. But nobody’s going to say shit. Europeans bury their heads in the sand. Their leaders have sold them out. This was actually an attack on German sovereignty. If they ever had any anyway. Europe should be spitting bullets right now and threatening US. But all we hear when presenting VIDEO EVIDENCE of the POTaTUS saying he would do this exact thing is “You’re a Conspiracy Theorist”.
    It takes a BIGGER tinfoil hat to believe Putin destroyed his own pipeline and best bargaining chip.
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