
Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 1 month ago to Economics
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"Hanke said that there has never been “sustained inflation” in history that has not been the result of runaway money supply growth."

In other words: Government IS the problem.

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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 1 month ago
    It’s always nice to see an expert verify what I have been saying for over a year.
    This line is bs though….. Hanke explained, arguing that Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell does not recognize that “inflation is always caused by excess growth in the money supply, turning the printing presses on.”
    These sacks of shit know exactly what they are doing. Their main problem is they were supposed to blame it all on world war lll . Devolution put a halt to escalating Ukraine into US vs RUS war. You really have to ask yourself why we are not in Kiev. Just send a couple more billion every week.
    The Deep State is in panic over it and the RINO Rubio just exposed his stake in the neo Nazi Ukraine corruption.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 1 month ago
    They know EXACTLY what they are doing. They can’t raise the prime rate enough to combat inflation without risking Sovereign Debt Crisis around this Dollar Denominated world. So they’ll inflate their way out of it and pay it down (but not really just inflate GDP) so the debt isn’t as big a chunk.
    Quite literally the most diabolical thing you can do to poor people without assets. But they are all cheering them on.
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