It’s OK to troll American patriots but not LGBT+ activists in video games

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 9 months ago to Politics
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"Numerous high-profile developers and the games they made had their start in the modding scene. The ever-popular CSGO was originally devised as a mod for Half-Life, and the Battle Royale genre – Apex Legends, PUBG, and Call of Duty: Warzone – owes its existence to those who modded the military simulation Arma 3. League of Legends and DOTA2 saw their birth in a Warcraft 3 mod called Defense of the Ancients. You get the idea.

PC gaming allows this. Todd Howard wouldn’t be on his 100th release of Skyrim if it wasn’t for the modding community. This ability to modify video games not only extends the life of existing titles, but births new ones. Given investment and faith from moneyed publishers, entire studios have formed around modder groups.

In the case of Spider-Man, a modder took it upon himself to replace the Pride flags found in the comic book-conceptualized vision of New York City with the American flag. This caused an uproar in the community – the controversy driven by woke conversation threads on Reddit and a site called ResetEra, and blown up even further by the video game press.

Websites that host mods very quickly responded to the controversy by banning the creator of the flag mod and anyone who supported its existence. Worth noting that these same websites have no problem carrying an abundance of pornographic creations that strip female characters naked and have them perform sexual acts. Forcing sex on digital characters is apparently acceptable, but God forbid you replace a digital Pride flag.

It's a kind of “They Live” moment, where putting on a pair of sunglasses shows you the advertisements for what they really are. It’s not even a stretch to suggest that the Pride flag represents America, and what has now become representative of American values."

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