High School Girl Taunted, Beaten At Bus Stop For Acting ‘Too Much Like A White Person’ - Yahoo News

Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 8 months ago to Culture
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This is a poster incident for a whole set of issues that are the true root cause of "racial hatred" crap. The school officals have failed, the police have failed and the black community, so dedicated to "peace and understanding" has failed. They need to stop focusing on what they can manipulate and start addressing their own issues within. Where is Sharpton, Jackson and the rest of the screaming black fanatics when their own people are trying to beat the crap out of each other? Maybe the cops are afraid to get involved because they didn't have a black one handy. The race crap has to stop, they have to understand it is an individual issue and cannot ever be lumped into a giant one size fits all problem. Of course that would involve personal responsibility, which I guess is too hard a concept to grasp...

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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 8 months ago
    This is the kind of thing the black community needs to scrutinize. It's like a dirty secret that is forbidden to speak of, and yet their own discrimination against one another is rampant. This young woman was "too white"!? What the heck does that mean!? And why is it an issue?
    The divisiveness of this is toxic, and will continue to fester unless taken on vocally and in the open. The disdain because her skin tone isn't black enough, or whatever concocted, false and divisive reason that's used as a crutch has to knocked aside. A person's skin color doesn't matter. It's character that does. Clearly the assailant has a misconception about the former, and a gross lack of the latter. Where are the race baiters? You'd think this was something worthy of their attention. But because a white person wasn't the "perpetrator", they are under their rocks, waiting for this to become the forgotten box in the back of the closet collecting dust.
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