Another dire part of AS is happening in Medicine--woke! has reared its ugly head into broad daylight.
Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 1 month ago to Philosophy
The body responsible for certifying doctors of internal medicine, The American Board of Internal Medicine, has added political questions to its certification process. Read it and start looking for Dr. Hendricks. I put this under philosophy because we have no medical category, but it fits .
Agenda 2030 is well on it’s way. There WILL be another “pandemic”. Bank on it!
And they’ll figure out how to tie it to Climate Change.
IF conservative voices get back in power they need to go just as hard the other way.
The only thing I’m sure of is Tyranny Actual is inbound.
We need to start developing alternate systems.
Just had a weird thought to go visit the cemetery plot I bought and tell it to hurry up.
Hopefully in the meantime, the Marxist Schiffheads of this world won't be messing with my freedom to do so.
Live free, die well. That's my bottom line if you catch my drift.
To die stupid ain't me (even though an) dino's idea of dying well.
How many lights do you see?
I suppose any BIPOC person would feel uncomfortable with any white doctor.
Competence. All that matters is Competence. All the other woke 5h1t doesn't matter.
Couldn't possibly be describing events in 2022... or could it?
Nothing could be more useful than to destroy it through competition.
I have fought medical boards; my strategy is published at and I understand that it has been reprinted in Australia.
Incidentally, YouTube killed my video on racketeering in breast cancer management a few days ago. I put it on Rumble instead at
Its hard to see the truth but the alternative is deadly.
Nov 12, 2020 10:20:17 PM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b3a95d No. 11618946
Shall we play a game?
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming
Who stepped down today [forced]?
More coming?
How do you show people the truth?
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.