Book on Going Galt

Posted by $ Abaco 2 years ago to Books
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Has anybody else read this book. It appears to be about a decade old.


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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years ago’s not exactly what you’d think. But it’s well thought out. It’s for someone who already understands what “Going Galt” means and it’s effect on society if enough people do it. It would never be a good persuasive piece to convince the “normies” to Go Galt.
    More like a list of lists. The opening line of “Our country is bankrupt.” Which it is.....just elicits yawns out of people. Because they have yet to actually feel any real pain for their flawed voting habits. And honestly amongst the countries of the world, financially speaking, we are the best looking horse at the glue factory.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
      "...we are the best looking horse at the glue factory." Now THAT is memorable, LOL! +1 or a dozen if I could!
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      • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years ago
        I wish I could take credit for coining it. But that belongs to the author of the book Abaco is reading, “Enjoy the Decline” by Aaron Clarey. Also a good read to help keep your sanity in these times.
        He literally predicted the housing crash. Months before it happened. He published a book about it and the publishing date proves it.
        “Sanity is the future of wealth.” is another Clareyism.
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