2000 Mules Investigator Gregg Phillips To Fox News “Morons”: “It’s one thing that you chose to stay silent while 2000 Mules went viral”…”you have chosen to lie to the world” ..”game on boys and girls”

Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 11 months ago to History
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With Patel Patriot The author of the devolution series ,Greg Phillips says he has been working with government agencies . This is what
I have posted and it is more significant than you can imagine.

Would you mind telling people a little bit about what happened to you during the Trump administration?

Gregg Phillips:

Sure. I had come in contact with a very large database that was provided to me by a government official. And the database really was describing the real number of non-citizens that were living in the United States. Since 2001 people have been saying that it’s 11 million or it’s 10 million or it’s 12 million. And it’s always been the same number. Somebody gave me a database that had 33 million people on it, this was in 2016. And so we began to you sort of unpack that and track that and look at the numbers of them that were voting and look at the numbers of them that were registered to vote, which is completely illegal. Well, I made the mistake of being on Twitter one day, I was actually sitting on my son’s sofa holding my new granddaughter and watching television, my analysts are writing me saying, I think there’s gonna be a million of these non-citizens vote. I’m like, what? So I mark it off onto Twitter and I’m still sitting there holding my granddaughter about an hour later, it’s 2 million, and a little while later they get it up to 3 million. They said, we honestly believe there will be 3 million non-citizens vote when this thing’s over. I’m like, that’s insane.

So I’m typing off of Twitter and I didn’t think much else about it. There was a little dust-up, but I mean, it’s Twitter, everybody’s typing everything all the time. About a month and a half later just before President Trump’s inaugural, one of his key staff people that knew me took that tweet to the president. And he talked about it on a Fox News Sunday show a few days before it was inaugurated. By inauguration day it had been pinned to me. People had made the connection back to me. And next thing I know, I decided against my own best thoughts and advice to go up to New York and meet with the CNN folks and try to explain myself. All they wanted was the database, I wasn’t about to give it to them because of the way I had come in contact with it. And man, before I even got out of the building, President Trump had tweeted about me. So I just saw Gregg Phillips on CNN, this country’s gotta do better than that, 3 million non-citizen votes. It’s crazy. By the time I got back to the airport in New York, you know they have those little televisions up above the seating at the airport. By the time I got back there, there’s a lady sitting in front of me and she’s looking at me and I’m looking at her, she’s looking up at the television. She goes, that’s you! It ignited this argument at the gate in LaGuardia that was just completely insane.

By the time, I landed in Atlanta, my kids were getting threatened, I was being threatened. I decided to go again on CNN at this time from Atlanta, the same day that night, and kind of fight my way through it. I was a little more fiery by then cause people start threatening your kids and they get what they deserve. And that was kind of the beginning of it for me, from there, I’ve been canceled, I guess in almost in every way that you can. But really I think for us as 2020 unfolded and really sort of watching all of this kind of happen, where more than half of America was being censored and what was left were these crazy clickbait kind of headlines, you know, three seconds and out sort of the national inquire or news cycle. And it was just insane. And so as all of this unfolded, and we’ve had a really interesting year of research and digging in for 15 months on some of the crimes that were committed inside of the election circles, the American inc thing sort of got legs. We started talking about it about a year ago, and then we’re thinking, you know what? This is really not the way this should be. Not only are people being canceled, but there’s really no place left to tell a story.
SOURCE URL: https://rumble.com/v16mm92-2000-mules-investigator-gregg-phillips-multi-national-voting-scandal-more-e.html

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  • Posted by 1 year, 11 months ago
    I had been discussing Gregg Phillips and true the vote with you. He took the cell phone pings and mapped the 2000 Mules. I mentioned the Super Computer
    That he had access to in Mississippi. Well that is no small feat . Since then , I found out a couple of very interesting pieces to the puzzle. Remember when Trump won the 2016 race and he kept talking about that He won the popular vote too if you throw out the 3 million illegals who voted. Trump kept on and on even after being inaugurated. Well guess what , Gregg Phillips is the guy who did the data crunch that Trump was talking about. So for 6 years he has been working on this election sting with Trump, Larry Ellison, Ezra Cohen Watnick , Spaceforce and others. Another fascinating thing , remember the Pillow guy and his talk of capturing internet packets or something. But he never produced the evidence.
    That was intentional. He was planting the seed. People heard all about it. Well Gregg Phillips is a
    Guru regarding that specific niche in technology.
    His company did just that for business.
    Side note ...the Eisenhower Bldg that people were upset with him using on election night , while in a skiff. It had a huge upgrade of assemblies wiring and cables complete with floor cooling system all with the help of Oracle. Seems they captured the Dominion / foreign govt fuckery real time watching in the Scif.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 11 months ago
    The system now, and our nation, is very much like the mine and adjacent community that the Mexican government took over from Francisco. The walls are all paper mache. Nothing is what it appears and it's all a fraud. I know people like these reports about, "There's more coming! You won't believe the fraud we uncovered!" But, I think it's too late. You're seeing no reaction from the MSM and elected officials because they know the jig is up. It's already over. Just one man's opinion...
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    • Posted by 1 year, 11 months ago
      “It’s too late” I am glad you are not fighting for our freedom. In 1776 many people gave up and said it was over, but Washington didn’t and He took a Durham boat across the Delaware to victory. “Your seeing no reaction from the MSM and elected officials” hmmm. MSM are part of the criminal Cabal. What are they going to do? Are they going to Confess when they have been guilty of treason? “Elected officials” those pieces of $hit were not elected they CHEATED. Just my informed opinion. Based on actual evidence.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 11 months ago
        I hope I'm wrong and that you're right. I'm actually voting again not that I'm in a state that's not completely corrupted (I think). My plan has been to move if I have to.

        And, I've fought in my own way. I just don't talk about it (maybe I should). Just the other day I was in the principle's office at the high school reporting on how the hall staff is treating the kids like prisoners. That's not easy. They look at you like you're nuts when you say, "They're accusing kids who've never taken drugs of taking them, possessing them, and dropping f-bombs while they're confronting them for it." This, by the way, makes me the bad guy. This is just one example. When I see bullshit I step up and call it out - a lot. The basic premises that the nation was founded on are gone, gone, gone from everyday life now. When you're trying to raise little kids in this mess you see things you can only learn of firsthand. People who don't have kids are completely out of the loop...certainly by design.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 11 months ago
          Why are you fighting if it’s too late?
          I , having read your comments over the years know that “for your kids” you will fight for them till your last breath.
          Don’t give up ,don’t EVER give up!
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