Meanwhile Australia Goes To The Polls With A Desire To Remove Tyrants

Posted by freedomforall 2 years ago to Politics
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"Voters must ensure there are new sensible people holding the balance of power in Australian parliaments. We need people who understand that:

The “Man-made Climate Crisis” is a fraud. Natural cycles control the climate.
“Net Zero Emissions” is a destructive, impossible green dream.
Hydrogen, Pumped Hydro and Big Batteries are all net-consumers of energy. They can store energy and recycle it, but that round-robin process is always a net consumer of energy.
Carbon Capture and Storage and “Clean Coal” are con games designed to consume more hydro-carbon energy for no public or environmental benefit. They would enrich big businesses.
Reliable affordable electricity for industry and homes is best supplied by coal, gas, hydro or nuclear power.
While the world scrambles to get coal supplies, Australian bureaucrats have delayed coal exploration and development for decades. And we can mine and export uranium, but not use it. These follies must stop.
All electricity generators should be treated equally – no special taxes or subsidies. They should be obliged to provide their own backup power and their own connections to the grid.
Electric cars may suit rich city folk (who forget they are powered mainly by coal). But battery-electric engines are an impossible dream for dozers, tractors, harvesters, road trains, aeroplanes and bulk carriers. And the supply chains that deliver daily food, fuel and services to the cities rely totally on hydrocarbon energy (diesel, petrol and gas).
Australia has about three weeks of diesel supplies in the country.
To moderate the effects of droughts and floods we need MORE DAMS NOW.
We need a regulatory firestorm to clear the legislative litter of green and red tape.
We have far too many complicated tax laws. We need to slash and simplify taxes everywhere, starting with abolition of payroll tax (the tax on jobs) and capital gains tax (the tax on capital improvements)."

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  • Posted by Lucky 1 year, 12 months ago
    I like 'the Saltbush site, and Viv Forbes thinks like me, but such an optimist.

    So many good points are raised but what do the electorate really care about?
    Not even "Australia has about three weeks of diesel supplies" fact about oil reserves. Note Viv Forbes adds "in the country". Australia does have a modestly sensible fuel reserve - but most of it is held in the US! Not part of what Joe is 'releasing' one hopes.
    The electorate care about 'keeping safe' from the wuhu, and mortgage rates on home loans. Not even the purchase of the government of neighbor Solomon Is (Guadalcanal) by China, nor inexorable rises in all the various energy costs seem to bother the voter. There is much sympathy for the Clown of Ukraine.
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