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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 2 months ago
    Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said at his post-meeting news conference Wednesday that he still sees the U.S. in a strong position though inflation must be tamed if the recovery is to remain strong.
    Nothing can stop what is coming, nothing!
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    • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 2 months ago
      Recovery? There hasn't been any recovery since 2000 except for greater profits and bonuses for the scum who created the problem: Powell and the rest of the puppets.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 2 months ago
        Officially, the recovery occurred in the summer of 2009 with the correction to the GDP. HERE'S WHAT NOBODY SEEMS TO UNDERSTAND (sorry for the yelling there...haha)...What has occurred since the summer of 2009 IS THE NEW NORM!. In the years since I've heard the talking heads on the news mention "recovery" probably 1000 times. Every time I just smile and nod...
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        • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 2 months ago
          Yes, these bankster thieves did this to South and Central American countries a dozen times, but we're not supposed to recognize when they do it to us?
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          • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 2 months ago
            And that’s the key. They’ve done it to us many times through the years. In developing countries the populace has a better nose for smelling bullshit. Their survival depends on it. For us it just means we may not be able to buy that extra shiny slave token for another year. We are so far up Maslow’s ass that nothing matters that much. It would actually be better if we were knocked down a tier or two.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 2 months ago
    Could be.

    However, maybe the producers are retiring from the workforce and the entitlement class that doesn't produce much that the government has been encourageing for decades is now on deck. If POTUS and VPOTUS are shining examples of our "productive" workforce in general, things are going to get a lot worse.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 2 months ago
      I am in my early fifties. The company I work for is 30 years old. Roughly 200 people are employed here.
      We’ve had 5 long time experienced employees in their 50s “retire” this year. So far. Me and one other person are on the verge. I told my boss yesterday that when COVID-23 is rolled out and all those bullshit medical mandates come back to take that as my notice of resignation. I don’t NEED to work in that environment anymore. I am talented enough to pursue wealth as one of the 1099 superior class. The only reason I don’t currently leave is it’s EASY money and they throw it at me. I owned my own business once. It takes a lot of non-billable hours to get to billable hours. And you’d be amazed at people’s ability to NOT pay an invoice.
      I’m no John Galt. I will never perfect Cold Fusion.
      But, I’m the closest thing to him this place has got.
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      • Posted by $ 2 years, 2 months ago
        We are "dangerous" because we don't need the looters.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 2 months ago
          You guys are awesome! I've been retired for about 10 years now (yes, I'm collecting from the SS Ponzi but don't need it if it suddenly goes away), but a lot of the tech I helped bring into being got shipped to China and elsewhere. That means more young Chinese get to become experienced in the tech and more Americans can flip burgers, drive Amazon deliveries, and spew the latest woke BS while waiting for the unemployment check to arrive.
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          • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 2 months ago
            LOL.... I know what you mean. There are NO youngins’ stepping up to the plate. The other tech guy in my department and I were just talking the other day.....when we leave we don’t know who is going to connect to these machines and diagnose the problems. Let alone build new ones from scratch. Even the ones we buy from an OEM come in so flawed that I have to spend weeks tweaking the Logic. The program we put in functions so much better than the original our company is fine voiding the warranty. These machines cost between $40-80k each depending on the size. We also have severed the connection to the network the machines had because we don’t want the OEM to get their hands on the program and give it to our competitors that use similar machinery. We have to maintain specific speed ratios between 3 motors for our product. We cannot waver from those ratios more than 5 rpm during the acceleration and deceleration phases. There’s a lot of inertial load on one of the motors. If we do , $25k worth of product will be ruined each occurrence. Not to mention the wasted manufacturing time just to get to this phase. It’s all scrapped.
            But NOBODY is coming up in the ranks to pick up the ball when we leave the field. Oh well....I guess I’ll get some good consulting fees in between my fishing trips. I’m no genius....I just have enough experience (failures in my past) to know what works and what doesn’t.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 2 months ago
        I can relate. My old employer is emptying out. I'm 55. The guys older than me who've stayed are getting very tired. I was actually advising multiple government offices in California, including the Gov's on how to deal with COVID. The reluctance to actually use science was enough for me to finally say, "Eh...I've had enough". Now, I'm designing buildings - doing basic engineering to build things. I'm really enjoying it. As you point out...anybody who can "retire" is. The incentive to keep working isn't sufficient. The abuse has gotten to the limit as The Peter Principle has kicked in for a bunch of places.

        I think America is entering some pretty bad territory. I'm selling a couple homes back in California next month then I'm sitting on cash, gold, ammo and a good truck. I can play this stock market pretty well and I'm ready to sit in my beautiful home office that overlooks the lights of our Nevadan city below and fine tune my holdings every day. I am sad for our kids. They're inheriting a huge f'ing mess...
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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 2 months ago
    "Worker productivity fell to start 2022 at its fastest pace in nearly 75 years while labor costs soared as U.S. struggled with surging Covid cases"
    What? Rubbish. These propagana scumbags pretending to be journalists just keep on spouting the same garbage even though its been proven as lies.

    Also I think the metric used is not as relevant as it once was, perhaps as disinformation.
    Due to inflation, costs (including labor) are going up while production is restricted by supply chain issues - caused by morons in government.
    Result: higher cost per unit produced and lower productivity statistics that are nearly meaningless.
    Productivity dropped but the blame is on the Buydem administration and the Deep State's plandemic actions, not the free market.
    John Galt wasn't involved at least in this particular rubbish propaganda, imo.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 2 months ago
    Yep. We are entering a Galtian stagflationary recession...possibly a depression. The recession part will be official when the data through June comes in showing negative GDP. The inflation is in our faces, everywhere. And for the past year I've personally had a few different engineering firms BEGGING me for a connection to any engineer with experience. In those cases I just started telling them, "They've all left California". But, it appears to be less regional than I thought. People don't want to work. They're expecting more incentive.

    Just last week at my part-time engineering job they shocked our small staff with a 5% raise...a classy move, really.

    More and more now, people are saying, "Why should I bust my ass anymore?" And, they've got a good point.
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