Atlas Society Jennifer Grossman Essay June 10,2020

Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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Is this preemptive virtue signalling or is this telegraphing what may be happening within the organization?
Why is this relevant to the organization? Is this desensitization? I've more questions. How about the rest of Gulchers?
I'm posting this as politics.

Excerpt: While his nudity didn’t strike me as particularly remarkable, his vulgarity did. My bathing suit had seen better days, and had lost some of its elasticity -- I had also lost some weight and thus the bikini wasn’t fitting as snugly as intended. As I was getting out of the pool after a swim, he pulled it, then called out “nice beaver shot.” I had no idea what that even meant, but I recognized the intent: to degrade and humiliate.

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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 4 months ago
    imo, it's click bait.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 4 months ago
      I think you’re spot on FFA.
      Notice she was still lured to his web by the smell of.....wait for We all know what she was angling for wearing that bikini. She likely avoided becoming Ghislaine by the fact that Jeffery didn’t like her. I highly doubt she would have turned his offer down. The main reason being. He was a sleaze ball from day one. Everybody in “The Club” knew it. So what was she doing there in the first place?
      That Epstein’s behavior was reprehensible is beyond question. What’s surprising is that the CEO of Atlas Society is someone who would compromise their principles in this way even in the past. I see this article more as a warning to view everything the Atlas Society says through the lens of “Propaganda until proven otherwise.”
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      • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 4 months ago
        I wouldn't be so concerned about her activities when she was in her 20's. I know I wasn't very wise in my 20's.
        (Heck, many people over 40 still think voting can change things even after the 2020 obvious election rigging.)
        My concern would be what she has learned from that experience. Based solely on this article, I wouldn't want
        her running my objectivist organization, but she shouldn't be judged on this one incident/article.
        The article could have been her way of revealing her limited experience with the evil of Epstein, and, in
        retrospect, that could have been pretty disturbing to anyone.
        I do object to the inference that women should suspect all men to be Epstein slime when
        reality is entirely different.
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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 4 months ago
    She is Jewish. I am not trashing Jews. Many, perhaps a majority, of Jews are liberals. It astounds me why would a Jew, vote for Democrats, who support BDS-the destruction of Israel, ostensibly the Jewish state. The Squad, are openly Israel haters, quietly Jew haters.

    A Jew voting for the Democrats is like a Christian pissing on a Christmas tree. Drives me nuts. These liberal Jews are suicidal. They love "Palestinians" but they hate Israel. Palestinian solders hide behind their women and babies. Israeli soldiers stand out in front with their women and babies hidden behind them. I see no moral equivalence.

    How the hell did she become CEO? I'm ready to call Broken Arrow 3x and have this liberal looked into.

    Our Gulch has no real shield. We can be infiltrated. Even this blog. Sometimes I wonder, are there Democrat journalists poking around this blog to see what we're up to and figuring out how to pollute or kill our site.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
      "It astounds me why would a Jew, vote for Democrats..." I find this mysterious as well. In the early '30s Jews in Germany voted for National Socialism even though Adolf Hitler and his minions were clearly anti-Semitic. If we don't learn from history...
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      • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 4 months ago
        The Reform sect of Judaism was started in Germany. The Jews set up their synagogues like Churches, with pews and an organ for music. Adapted Jewish hymns to the organ, hired cantors to sing prays. The rabbis wore black robes. Still to this day in the Reform movement. They thought if they assimilated into German society, they would be liked and not murdered. There's a Democrat for you. And they walked quietly like sheep, for the most part, into the ovens.

        There is something in Judaism called Tikkun Olam. It's original meaning is cryptic but it's something like, that in creating the world, God broke everything to pieces. The purpose for human beings, is to put everything back together.

        Now in the mind of a fucking liberal, that means...Social Justice!!! So you get these gay trans lesbian bi dom switch HIV+ trans clown unicorn in a black robe giving sermons about Critical Racist Theory. In a synagogue.

        Some people just don't understand that you don't shit in the kitchen and eat in the toilet.
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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 4 months ago
    I don't see much what this woman has to say that's useful to us. Bragging about her sex and her being beyond his reach? No Objectivist angle to this article. It was a good article but why was her essay picked if not for being March-Women's Month? Is the Atlas Society being infiltrated too with Woke people? Our little corner, can we purge it of scheming dykeocrats who want to take us down, ideologically, from within? I'll admit it. I thought she was going to get graphic about Epstein, that was clickbait. She threw us a little bikini bush tease. Fairly worthless article for our purposes, but it has a place, somewhere. Not here.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 4 months ago
      The real task is to look "objectively" everything we encounter.
      Objectivity is a learned methodological behavior. Objectivity, for homo sapiens (hominid wise) is based in formal language. The clearest expression of this that I have found resides in an Ayn Rand essay; The Objectivist's Ethics. It is 20+ pages. It is the simplicity beyond the complexity of Atlas Shrugged and also underpins all her writing. "Why does man need values?" is her first question. The essay is found within "The Virtue of Selfishness" should you wish to pursue.
      I have had, in my possession for 45 years, one of the first objective philosophical writings. Commonly known as Tao, purportedly authored some 2600 years ago and about the same time frame as Buddah. My interpretation is from Witter Bynner; The Way Of Life According to Lao Tzu. The Objectivist's Ethics brought firmer foundation to this work, yet I discovered "holes" in Rand's essay (now companion for a decade).

      Man is a living organism. A living organism requires values to understand/know what is good or bad for it's self. Comfort and discomfort tell the organism on a physical level. Happiness and unhappiness tell the organism on an emotional level. Man requires reason to sort through abstraction of perception to conceptualization, and the tool to do this is formal language. To involve one's self in the continuing process of mastery of definitions within language is the first task. To organize these definitions into reasonable hierarchy of mortality based values is the next. Everything regarding humans is the organization and use of language.

      I posted this to gain perspective of others that I may minimize my bias and/or assumptions before asking Jennifer Grossman, in the first person; "Why, under a banner of objectivity, would you publicize something of this nature?" The feedback here allows me broader insight on how I may perceive any answer forthcoming. And then again, this may have zero impact.
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      • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 4 months ago
        You said the best thing. I was just kind of half angry/venting about her article, unfocused, and emotionally. Thanks for the Objectivist nudge! I needed it. I was too busy dreaming about her loose knit garment instead of being rational while writing.

        Yes, Why, Under Objectivity, would she post that?
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 4 months ago
    I am astounded reading the article that nothing was mentioned about Epstiens customers who he trafficked the minors to and so forth
    Is that because they are in her same circle of friends.
    I am also struck how this young women seemed to have no problem being with older men when they have accrued a fortune. Oh and the comment she made about her mother’s desires. That strikes me as a bit racist but she is Jewish so no problem. If a mother didn’t want her daughter to marry a Jewish man all hell would break out. BTW my daughter married her high school sweetheart who is Jewish and Our grandchildren are precious to us.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 4 months ago
      This is the current CEO of The Atlas Society.
      Why would she post this? Pre-emptory to being questioned, if the question ever arose? Is she a mole? I have a lot of questions regarding her Harvard past and associations as well. Are David Kelley and John Aglialoro aware of the potential ramifications? They're trustees.

      Just sayin'
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 4 months ago
        Well she worked in the Clinton WhiteHouse and state department. Epstien brought many young women to the whitehouse during his many visits ,it has been revealed.
        That administration treated the whitehouse like a meat market for the perverted sexual predator who inhabited it. Check out the Secret serviceman’s expose’ . Even Walter Mondale’s daughter had sex with the pervert , much like Mailia Obama and Hunter did while snorting lines of cocaine.
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        • Posted by $ 2 years, 4 months ago
          Peeling this "onion" is the worst cry ever. Not just the article, the past 7 decades.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 4 months ago
            The Qreat Awakening, people who have been asleep for so long , struggle to stay awake as evidenced by the Ukraine outrage. Seems they all care about Ukrainian kids but not so much for Afghan kids and the dozens of other countries the puppets have bombed over the years.
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            • Posted by $ 2 years, 4 months ago
              This youngster has a fair handle on the situation. Know thy history. (ref the below vid)
              Like I said in our phone talk this weekend, you've a unique way of filtering this from your financial/investing background. I do this from a manufacturing history that spans global corporations and "treatied" interactions under admiralty law.
              Need to hook you up with a friend in Mound.....another brother of mind. He has insight from a long history in banking and monies. That will lead to two more in your area should you investigate.
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