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  • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 7 months ago
    Personally, I have a lot of respect for former Vice-President Cheney, however...he put his support behind Romney, and Romney is the reason the Republicans lost the election. Nobody wants the government involved in health care. What were the Republicans thinking when they ran a fool who forced health care insurance on his own home state citizens as a challenge to get Obama out of office? The Republicans did not ‘get whipped’. they whipped themselves. Obama won by less of a lead then any other incumbent president in the history of the presidency. That’s not a mandate. That’s hanging on barely by a thread, and it’s the Republicans fault for not being firm about no government interference in health care. That said. Iran announced today that they are removing all anti-american posters from public places. Their interior ministry building use to sport a ground to sky sign stating “Death to Americans”. This isn’t some small concession. It will end thirty years of an active campaign to feed anti-american propaganda to the citizens of Iran. Obama is a mixed bag when it comes to foreign policy, but this definitely a day for him to toot his own horn, and for all of us to breathe a sigh of relief Cheney’s comments are becoming redundant, (he has been making the same statements for years now) and poorly timed.
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    • Posted by Rocky_Road 10 years, 7 months ago
      Romney was a Republican Governor, with a Democrat State legislature. Their health plan was veto proof, and Romney made the best deal he could. Private health plans, within his state, were never affected by the final compromise.
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      • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 7 months ago
        Gee, I don’t remember Mitt ole boy wailing how he had no choice or that he was empathetic to those who didn’t want to live under a government-run system. it appeared to me he bragged about his great social program every chance he got. Keep rationalizing why it’s okay for anybody to reach in my pocket and tell me I have to spend X amount of dollars on a product a month .Republicans and Democrats are cut from the same cloth --they both believe in the Leviathan. The Democrats believe in pouring all the resources into the arms and legs and body of the beast till it is so engorged it cannot move, while the Republicans believe sending all the power to the head of the beast till the head is so swollen explodes from it’s own weight.
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        • Posted by Rocky_Road 10 years, 7 months ago
          No rationalizing being done here...I just made the point that Romney was dealing with a Democrat legislature (and Ted Kennedy), and that his vetoes of the Mass. health plan were OVERRIDDEN.

          I'll be sure to let you know when I expect you to reach into your pocket for something that you don't want....
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          • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 7 months ago
            He can’t have it both ways. He can’t do a song and dance about how wonderful his health plan turned out for people in Mass, and at the same time, fight for my liberty from an over-reaching government. He is the over-reaching government. At least Obama’s plan has no real teeth. Republicans like to penalize those who don’t follow their laws. Romney would have fixed it all right. I probably would have had to serve time for not playing along or paying a fine under Romney’s plan. Ha! I just don’t see a way out of this. I will never recognize the government’s right to interfere in my health care. I won’t be forced to participate in something I think is unlawful and unconstitutional. There is no convincing me otherwise. Mitt Romney was part of the problem.
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            • Posted by Rocky_Road 10 years, 7 months ago
              What you claim about Romney flies in the face of reality. And your claim that Obama's plan has no real teeth, is a dead giveaway.

              Romney vetoed the Mass. plan 6 times, and he was overridden every time. He made lemonade out of the lemons the Democrats handed him, the best he could. Romney stumped for the WH promising to stop Obamacare...and gave the Mass. plan as the impetus to kill it.

              Sounds like you think that you have what you wanted: no Romney, and a "toothless" Obama!

              Trouble is, there is nothing toothless about Obamacare, and/or Obama.
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              • Posted by LionelHutz 10 years, 7 months ago
                After reading the wiki on RomneyCare, I think it is more fair to say Mitt Romney used his line-item veto in EIGHT areas, at one time. In response, he was immediately overridden in six areas and eventually overridden on all eight. Then, after this happened, he started running for President and...
                My two cents: the entire problem here is EMTALA, which mandated that hospitals must treat customers that show up at the emergency room, regardless of ability to pay, and said it was up to the hospitals to figure out how to recoup costs. It's the same thing as saying restaurants and grocery stores must serve anyone that shows up at a mythical "I'm starving" door, and then wondering why food prices keep going up.
                Quick: name the presidential candidates in 2012 that made a big deal about the evils of EMTALA and how we needed to revoke it in order to lower healthcare costs. Oh...right.
                So we have Romney here fighting one bad government problem with another bad government program.
                He was absolutely a bad candidate to put forward because it put the idea of forced insurance into everyone's head.
                But honestly - did we have a candidate that identified the real problem?
                We had some suggesting we could get costs lowered if we'd just mandate standardized electronic health records.
                We had others suggesting costs would get lowered if we'd pass laws capping punitive damages in healthcare cases.
                Even Ron Paul's platform only amounted to changing the tax code to allow 100% tax deductions of health care costs.
                What we lacked here was a candidate with the COURAGE to identify the problem, and if the nominee hadn't been Romney whoever it was still would have SUCKED, just not as bad.
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    • Posted by richrobinson 10 years, 7 months ago
      I think removing the anti American propaganda is not a big deal. If they gave up their nuclear program that would be a big deal. The new Iranian President is probably playing nice so they can continue enriching uranium and developing weapons. Romney was not the best choice but Cheney knew we had to unite and get Obama out. You are right that Republicans lost this on their own. Many republicans stayed home in 2012.
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      • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 7 months ago
        It seems like a small step, but the implications are huge: not just for us, but for the million of Iranian children who have no chose but to hate us because they were raised in a culture that uses propaganda to sell hate. If the hate speeches also stop at schools? Huge step. I guess I can understand concerns this a rouse of some sort of appeasement to benefit their nuclear program, however, singularly it is a cause for celebration for Iran’s future.

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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 10 years, 7 months ago
    That's what happens when you meddle in other peoples affairs.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 7 months ago
      Depends on what you mean by "meddle in other peoples affairs".

      While I'm opposed to us getting involved in conflicts (political or military) where we don't have a vested interest... I really don't give a shit if they like our meddling or not. I kind of prefer them minding, because then they're liable to do something stupid that will give us an excuse to take their country away from them.

      You have GOT to be kidding... removing all anti-american posters from public places... that means some kind of change of heart? It is a tactic in furtherance of their war with the west, nothing more. If nothing else, it will get us to hesitate, possibly slacken our guard, and buy them time to finish their nuke program.

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      • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 7 months ago
        It mens a change in direction. The ‘heart” of Iran, the children, will not be raised indoctrination. Who cares if it appears like they are trying to blindsight us by appeasing us, if the end of result is a generation that doesn’t understand why their country ever hated us in the first place? I’ll take it as progress. Might appear as baby steps, but the removal of hate speech could reap generational rewards. This is perfect timing too, as the past youth of Iran who had known all the freedom and lived through the lost that occurred in early seventies are coming to power now, This is a delicate, but a critical time when all things are possible and all things clearly hang in the balance.
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        • Posted by Rocky_Road 10 years, 7 months ago
          What "appeasement"?

          Where does the story ever talk about this?
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          • Posted by $ Mimi 10 years, 7 months ago
            Cheney every few months gets out in front of cameras and makes the statement: “Our allies don’t trust us and our enemies don’t fear us.” I’m just saying it’s getting old and tiresome and has little to do what is happening at this moment. I brought up Iran because that is important. It shows conflicting views within the government. It is huge they are taking down the anti-US signs (as reported in Reuters, USA Today, New York Times....etc...) However it is a small step. Iran still plans to have it’s annual Death To America rally November 4. Iran changed over night thirty-four years ago. I ready for it to change back. And while I wouldn’t want Iran to have nukes, it’s not our place to tell them they can’t have nukes for energy.
            What appeasement? You state they are only doing it to look good going forward on nuke talks. That is appeasement.
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            • Posted by Rocky_Road 10 years, 7 months ago
              "What appeasement? You state they are only doing it to look good going forward on nuke talks. That is appeasement."

              I didn't say have confused the comments.

              Nothing coming out of Iran has changed, in my humble opinion.
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