Defending Freedom And Democracy Sure Requires An Awful Lot Of Censorship

Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 3 months ago to Politics
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"“The purge of RT and other Russian media outlets in the US and Europe is 100% censorship,” tweets journalist Michael Tracey. “Go ahead and argue it’s justified, but at least don’t be a coward and admit you are advocating censorship.”
“The western world believes that it has a monopoly on what constitutes ‘political truth’ and that their ideological worldview is the only correct, valid and authoritative one,” writer and analyst Tom Fowdy observed. “They preach freedom of speech and the press to other countries, but exempt themselves from it.”
And I can’t help but find it odd that the fight for freedom and democracy should require such copious amounts of censorship. You’d think a free society would have no objection to people trying to learn the other side of the debate about a war which NATO powers very plainly had a hand in starting, rather than being forced to consume only western mass media narratives which tell us this is happening exclusively because Vladimir Putin is evil and Hitlery and hates freedom.

You’d think a society devoted to truth and freedom, the kind of society western powers purport to be trying to defend in Ukraine, would not require a Ministry of Truth to protect us from “disinformation” about a government long targeted by the US-centralized empire, or from trying to seek out alternative perspectives beyond the homogeneous blanket of authorized mainstream narratives.
You’d think the truth would be more robust than that. You’d think freedom would extend farther than that. You’d think democracy would be more tolerant of dissent than that."

You might have thought that if you were living under a rock for the past 6 years. Not any more. The media and tech giants should be ashamed, but they aren't. They are projecting their own evil on others to keep us enslaved to their evil agenda.

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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 2 years, 2 months ago
    I look at RT regularly, and realize it might be a propaganda machine for the Russian government, but they often have articles that don't put Russia in a good light. Sometimes they seem more "fair and balanced" than FOX news. I try to get my news from everywhere. I look at Deutsche Welle, BBC, ANSA Italian news, then try to sort it all out.
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