A different kind of shrug…

Posted by jack1776 2 years, 1 month ago to Government
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Thinking about how we can take back control of our government, how we can do this peacefully?

I think we can all agree that the government is no longer “of the people, for the people” but it is mutating into a tyranny of the ruling class, ruling over the serfs. The news media has been compromised and is now only a propaganda arm of the ruling class. I think it has come to a time to reclaim or natural rights of freedom.

Our Constitution is a beautiful document and has stood for our natural rights of freedom for well over 200 years. We should return to the roots of this document and strengthen it through lessons learned. It should never be abandoned or allowed to be subrogated. We need to act as a whole to protect the Constitution and to honor the patriots that have died in defending it. If we don’t act before the midterm elections, I think we might lose our Constitution or at least make our Constitution ineffective.

We need to enforce one vote for every citizen. From evidence, both hard evidence and circumstantial evidence, I’m positive our elections have been stolen. We need a way to ensure our right to vote isn’t diminished through fraudulent votes. All Dominion vote machine must be destroyed, go back to paper and accurate voting rolls.

We need to secure our wealth. Our wealth is under attack and few notice it at all. Our monetary system has been slowly manipulated to favor the ruling class and a tool to rule the serfs. The concept of fraction reserve lending is so offensive that I can’t even begin to address it in this short paragraph. Basically, the Federal Reserve is making us pay for the privilege borrowing worthless paper that they print as needed, devaluing the previously issued worthless paper; All while we run around the hamster wheel trying to repay our depts. On top of all of that, the Federal Reserve is just a bank and not part of our government at all. I think this started as soon as the government started ignoring the fact that the dollar is worth a dollar of gold, and which became law on August 15th of 1971.

We need to throw out the tax code completely, its designed to reward approved behaviors over our own rational self-interest. It is enslaving us and only benefits the ruling class and the people that can’t produce or will not produce. I think we should have a safety net for society, but that cause has gone so far off the tracks, it now enslaves us. The government should never rob Peter to pay Paul and when you consider the fact that money is worthless all together, then you see that taxes are only a means of control, nothing more.

Our system of checks and balances have been coerced into a web of appointed rule makes; this web of government agencies must be dissolved completely. They are making rules that we must comply with even though our republic has never voted for these people to pass rules on us. In most cases, the appointed government official passing rules was appointed by someone else which was appoint themselves.

We need to return the power to the states and vastly reduce the size and authority of the federal government.

We must take control of our local government offices. I think the majority of these people are in the position they are through fraudulent elections. This goes equally was well for federal positions.

I think it is quickly becoming a time where we simply choose to not comply. If we don’t comply with any of it, they lose their control over us and once they lose the control, we can rebuild or society.

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  • Posted by 2 years, 1 month ago
    At some point, we all will reach a trigger moment and decide we are all in, I think this moment is different for all of us. When that moment happens, how do we respond to our government?

    Stop paying taxes, stop repaying our mortgage, take control of elections? We would have to reach a critical mass of people reaching their trigger moment at the same time; I think that they have become experts at simply turning up the stove slowly cooking us so we don’t notice and we don’t fight back.
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  • Posted by 2 years, 1 month ago
    Our school systems are simply indoctrination camps of our children; we need to home school our children.
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 1 month ago
      Not evreryone is equipped to do home schooling. I have a cousin and a good friend who teach bilingual children. That could throw a kink in home schooling.
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      • Posted by 2 years, 1 month ago
        I don’t understand you? Are you saying not everyone is equipped, not very family is equipped or every close network of friends you have are not equipped? I’m saying none of use have a choice and we must, when we are presented with an obstacle, we find a solution.

        I raised four children, two of which were corrupted by the schools and more importantly the clubs allowed to be on campus of the children’s schools. The powers to be, are determined to turn your children down a path away from family and towards the state, communism. If this was only my family, I would say I’m a bad parent. I find that this story is not uncommon among other families in my age, 50 ish. Speaking with finds, most have disgruntled children that are no longer speaking with their parents.

        All I’m saying here is that this has been in the works for a very long time and we are behind the eight ball. Pull your children out of school and home educate. Find close finds to help.
        I don’t understand the bilingual hurtle, is this an unsurmountable objective? What’s you alterative?
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  • Posted by VetteGuy 2 years, 1 month ago
    I think the recent turnover on school boards is a good step in that direction. A small, but important step. If we can stop the indoctrination, and teach kids to think logically, they will begin to turn things around.

    My fear is that it may have gone so far that there is not time to turn it around. Thinking logically seems to be a lost skill.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 1 month ago
      Wise words…

      I agree that the school boards are over ran as well…

      I can’t wrap my head around these people trying to teach our children CRT and the sexual deviancy. It’s to destroy the family is the only explanation. Look, if you want to destroy a country from within and you don’t care about time, attack the future generation, and turn them.
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  • Posted by 2 years, 1 month ago
    I think crypto currency is going to be just another method of control and serfdom. Look what’s happing to Russia now, could you image your bathroom scale being connected to the internet of things and your McDonald’s purchase is denied because you’re overweight? This is being silly, but it illustrates the control they will have soon with a govCrypto. The dollar going to collapse, and we’ll all suffer personal financial destruction, they will waltz in with a solution and the solution will be the new govCrypto. I will not comply and will find other ways to source what I need to survive.

    Your retirement accounts will be worthless with the coming inflation and the collapse of the dollar. Do your own due diligence and open a self-directed IRA, transfer your old 401k and IRA accounts and purchase precious metals. Don’t use a precious metal investment firm but have the metals shipped to you and store them in a safe deposit box. As a hedge against the collapsing dollar and to keep the governments hands off the money you have earned, consider a self-directed IRA. A self-directed IRA is basically a Limited Liability Corporation in which you are the trustee and manager of the IRA account invests in and owns 100% of the corporation. You can purchase metals, properties, and other non-tradition investments, all with tax free funds.
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    • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 1 month ago
      The problem with metals and gold, is that you can't eat them. If things get so bad that governments collapse, food and industrial systems fall apart, gold will be worthless too. You can stamp out your own coins to trade for canned food, but you can't trade the gold to a semiconductor factory for a deflated currency, that has been bombed to the ground.

      But am I missing something?...tell me please.
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      • Posted by VetteGuy 2 years, 1 month ago
        It depends on your scenario. If you presume that when SHTF that EVERYTHING collapses, then you better be stocked up on food and water and able to protect it. For how long? I wouldn't even attempt a guess.

        In a less extreme example, such as Venezuela-type runaway inflation, gold could be a valuable hedge. Even that has limits - there has to be someone with enough cash to buy it. Some silver might be helpful as well, as it doesn't take a wheelbarrow full of money to buy an ounce.
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      • Posted by 2 years, 1 month ago
        Correct, precious metals can’t be eaten, LOL. I’m protecting my current wealth in the specter of inflation. Sustainable food is more important. I recently moved from the suburbs (California) to 7.5 acres I the middle of Idaho, it’s not a lot of land but I plan on providing a place for my children (the two that still speak to me) a place to go when it gets rough. My plans here include cattle, chickens, and gardens. I have a store house of seeds, in case. As for the immediate, I have a 35 gallon drum I filled with dried goods, in addition to canned goods and a lot of dehydrated goods. I have enough food to last about a year for four if we augment with stuff we can scavenge.

        I also have a large supply of ammo and weapons. I’ve sored books on various topics, gardening, animal husbandry, bush medical, making various chemicals from scratch, and making alcohol. I would still like to add a book on basic chemistry. Skills will be the new gold. These will argument the skills I already have…

        Two years ago, I laughed at the hard-core prepper, today I laugh at myself.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 1 month ago
    Sep 30, 2020 10:41:16 PM EDT
    That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, -That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their DUTY, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
    Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 1 month ago
    I love the tax holiday idea. If only 100 million Americans would stand up and not file a return. The IRS couldn't clean up the mess. A lot of systems would go haywire and a lot of innocent people would suffer, but that would be one quasi-peaceful method to issue a voting-of-action against the corruption. Not voting coupled with not paying would be great.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 1 month ago
      Taxes are only a means of control when you consider that the government just prints the money they need anyways. Our monetary system is the largest ponzi scheme in history and we are getting close to the end.

      What innocent people would be hurt?

      We should always vote, even if we know its corrupt; capitulating here is what they want.
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