Incredible insider's account of Silicon Valley Big Tech - vaporizing from wokeness and WFH

Posted by BrettRocketSci 2 years, 6 months ago to Business
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I provided a link to a long Twitter thread. Hopefully you can read it without a Twitter account if you don't have it. WFH = Work From Home.

The compounding effects of wokeness, fragile people, and WFH from 2 years has been amplified in Big Tech. For these companies to become an empty shell of wokeness is one thing but what happens when this eventually spreads to corporations we actually need to deliver quality products like food, fuel, and energy? Such a fascinating first-hand account.

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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 6 months ago
    I expect wokeness will eventually usher in its own destruction wherever it dominates. It is an ideology exactly like "Jim Crow" with different faces as the protected people. It took a while for Jim Crow to fail and the same will be for wokeness.
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  • Posted by BCRinFremont 2 years, 6 months ago
    This guy’s presentation could be easily fit into John Galt’s speech at the Twentieth Century Motor Company. My guess is that today’s Twentyfirst Century Meta Company will follow a similar spiral…
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