How many times did Jeffrey Epstein visit the Clinton White House? (Almost as many as Cinton flew on Epstein's Lolita Express plane)

Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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"Infamous pedophile Jeffrey Epstein visited then-President Bill Clinton’s White House a whopping 17 times during his first term, according to visitor logs obtained by the Daily Mail. On some days, he visited three times.
Epstein mostly visited the West Wing, according to visitor logs acquired through a Freedom of Information Act by the Daily Mail, implying he primarily came to see President Clinton. Their relationship dates back to at least the start of Clinton’s presidency, with logs placing Epstein and his alleged madam Ghislaine Maxwell at the White House just a month after Clinton’s inauguration in February 1993.

While the logs published by the Mail on Friday revealed 17 visits from Epstein to the White House, the reasons for each visit are not specified, forcing the reader to imagine what the deceased financier might have been doing on, say, July 28, 1994 - when he visited the White House once at 2pm and again at 6.30pm. It’s one of three dates where he is recorded as visiting twice.

The Epstein ‘madam’ trial: What to knowThe Epstein ‘madam’ trial: What to know
However, as the visitor logs reveal, Epstein was also invited to the White House by several of Clinton’s advisers, including then-assistant for economic policy Robert Rubin, who was the first official to sign off on Epstein’s entrance into the presidential residence in February 1993. Rubin would later spend 10 years as chairman of the influential Council for Foreign Relations following a stint as Clinton’s treasury secretary. Via a spokeswoman, Rubin claimed to have no recollection of speaking with or meeting Epstein."

The Clinton answer to every question:
"I don't recall."

Impale the Clinton Crime Family.

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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 6 months ago
    ThanQ for reporting on the crux of this biscuit.
    The C_A uses Epstien types to blackmail and control the rich and powerful. I wonder how many pedo intelligence folks are children of operation Paperclip Nazi inserts? Rosenstein perhaps Strozk , Page , Faucki.
    Seems not many are too interested in the massive human trafficking going on today.
    From the media Trump Trump Trump flew with Epstien. If only they told the truth we would not be where we are today. Hang those lying talking heads of Operation Mockingbird . War criminals is what they are!
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 6 months ago
    You know what FFA, I don't really care what the Clintons did and I wouldn't be surprised at anything. Murder, mayhem, sex scandals. These people are so low it turns my stomach. N
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