The Scumbag Actor Who Lies For A Living Claims 'The Gun Did It'

Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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"As noted earlier, the problem is that Baldwin was not just an actor but a producer on the set. He was arguably responsible for the set itself and the props.

What is most striking about the new claim is that it is subject to physical testing and even a demonstrative exhibit before the jury. If experts report that the gun did not have a “hair trigger” or some defect, it would greatly erode Baldwin’s credibility. It is very unlikely that his counsel has had access to the gun or even any film evidence from the scene. Notably, however, they do have the statement of an assistant director that he thought the shooting was a “misfire.”

Moreover, I am surprised that Baldwin claims that he would never point even a prop gun at someone and pull the trigger. Given his many shooting scenes, that would be disprovable."

Bottom Line: After the 2020 election theft and refusal to audit, did anyone expect a leftist scumbag to tell the truth?
SOURCE URL: https://jonathanturley.org/2021/12/02/the-gun-did-it-baldwin-denies-pulling-the-trigger-in-fatal-rust-shooting/

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  • Posted by 2 years, 7 months ago
    Single Action.
    Baldwin could easily have fired it without ever touching the trigger, but it would NOT fire unless someone actuated the hammer to fall on the chamber holding the live round
    Baldwin is a lying sack of $#!7.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 7 months ago
      Me dino knows how movie cowboys with a free hand "fans" shot after shot with single action pistols.
      They keep the trigger pressed back after firing the first shot.
      Did that dry firing a Civil War replica I only display in the living room now.
      For some funny reason the hammer decided to get stuck,
      It was $100 made in Spain el cheapo anyway.
      Did fire it for real three or four times. I could actually order black powder in the mail! That surprised me.
      Never fanned it loaded. Too dangerous. Only Clint Eastwood can fantasy shoot four bad boys like that in a Spaghetti Western.
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 7 months ago
    it does not really matter how a "real" round of ammo got into the gun

    what matters is
    was the gun pointed at someone deliberately?
    if it was, there is no excuse for this

    was the trigger pulled and if so where was the gun pointed?

    if the trigger was not pulled at the time the shot was fired, was it pulled earlier and there was a hang-fire that was not reported to the Armorer or dealt with in a proper fashion?

    i have an 8 shot S&W 357
    hand loads, had a dud
    i did not clear it
    tried the next round, both went off
    will NEVER do that again...
    always clear a presumed dud
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    • Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 7 months ago
      To those who have never lived that experience,, a few words. Give it a moment to ensure the round is not a hangfire, keeping the muzzle pointed safely. If it went "pop" instead of boom, or made no noise, it might still go off. We used our own handloads, too, and had a primer failure. We always keep a ramrod in the range bag, jic.
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    • Posted by term2 2 years, 7 months ago
      Baldwin trusted something or someone, and pulled the trigger anyway. HE should be responsible for what happened. The lesson is that if you are going to pull a trigger and point a gun at someone, you better check to make sure it isnt loaded. What are they doing firing guns at people in this day and age of CGI filming anyway.
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      • Posted by 2 years, 7 months ago
        (1) Some things just can't be done as well in cgi ... yet.
        (My business partner is retired from electronics special effects, so I do have a decent source of info.)
        (2) Special effects has union reps to maintain status quo.
        (However in this case the employees were not unionized.)
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 7 months ago
      I watched a guy shooting THIS HUGE Pistol. Custom Job (we were learning to machine our own at this course).

      And this happened. the previous round was in the barrel, when he fired the second round, you could actually see the BULGE in the barrel.

      We were very lucky that thing did not shatter a spew shrapnel.
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  • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 7 months ago
    Hmmm...."misfire". This is the condition under which the "load" magically "triggers" it's self. Somebody! Call Oxford! We need a new definition!
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 7 months ago
    That ancient Colt had some kind of primitive targeting tech that it knew to discharge when the muzzle passed over Center of Mass. And Red SUVs drive themselves into Christmas Parades! Accelerating and Zig Zagging as they go.
    Sorry. I digress. But, I’m rapidly losing my objectivity.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 7 months ago
      Another thought....: if the firearm in question is a 45 Long Colt shooting revolver, it’s is most likely single action. Which means SOMEBODY pulled the hammer back and advanced the cylinder onto a live round. If it’s double action it takes quite a bit of trigger force to advance the cylinder and pull the hammer back. He’s a lying sack of shit. He using the normal public’s ignorance to try to control the narrative. Not even the dumbest armorer would hand someone a “cocked” firearm. He pulled the hammer back one way or another.
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      • Posted by 2 years, 7 months ago
        You are in good company with others here in the Gulch on that thought.
        Agreed, unless he can bribe the armorer to take the fall for him, in a fair trial
        with an impartial, informed judge he should be found guilty and liable for civil damages.
        Even if the armorer does take the fall, as a producer, the lying scum could still be liable for civil damages.
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  • Posted by CTYankee44 2 years, 7 months ago
    Yeah, Baldwin just took a huge dump on his own credibility by making that claim.

    If he had said: "I was consumed by the acting. I was portraying the character. I pointed the gun and pulled the trigger, but I wasn't expecting the damn thing to go off." I could believe that.

    Of course that explanation would have carried a TON more believability if he'd shot the CAMERA and the fragments of hardware or the ricochet had killed the victim.

    But even if the evidence proved without a doubt that he pointed the weapon at the person next to or behind the camera, I could find it in the realm of believability that he was simply being childish like a boy who points his cap gun at his mommy.

    But his denial of pulling the trigger, especially this late after the fact, well, I'd say he just pulled a big chunk of the burden of proof off the prosecutor with regards to the NEGLIGENCE aspect of the criminal case, and the civil case as well.

    I still don't think that the death was an intentional homicide, that's just a bit too far fetched given what's been made public.
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 2 years, 7 months ago
    As long as this corrupt collectivist (but I repeat myself) was expressing grief for the needless ending of someone's life, he was deserving of consideration for being involved in a horrible accident. But for him to try to turn his own action - and his production company's demonstrable negligence - into an attack on the Second Amendment (therefore an attack on human rights,) is at once absurd on its face, contemptible in its ethics, and...

    ... a big plus for the cause of the right to keep and bear arms.

    Every word that comes out of his mouth on the idea that guns and our right to them are somehow responsible for this lady's death, is an evasion of responsibility and an attempt to harness that tragedy for tangential political ends so blatant as to rankle even the most goose-stepping of anti-gun mentalities. Baldwin has just inadvertently helped the cause of strengthening the Second Amendment, IMO.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 2 years, 7 months ago
    You can never expect a liberal to take ownership for what they do.Yet, you can always count on a liberal to direct blame away from themselves to forward an agenda.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 7 months ago
    I recently decided that Trump should do weekly impersonations of Baldwin having misfires....I have a sick sense of humor. But, all good humor is based in reality...
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 7 months ago
    To work for the Alabama Department of Corrections,me dino had to NRA qualify with an AR-15, a Remington 12-guage pump shotgun and a Smith & Wesson .38 revolver each and every year of the 21 years I was employed.
    Recall being on the pistol range hearing the same lecture about gun safety for the about keeping my finger out of the trigger guard (that metal ring around the trigger) until I had taken aim at the target and was told to open fire.
    That's because over and over again, I would hear the range instructor say, "THE ONLY WAY THAT GUN CAN SHOOT IS WHEN YOU PULL THE TRIGGER."
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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 7 months ago
    I quit even watching old movies with Baldwin since he went leftist. He is dead to me, as Mr wonderful says on shark tank. He fired the gun, he should be liable at least on a civil basis for what happened.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 7 months ago
    He knows this kind of logic works in this dim-witted age. "I didn't pull the trigger" = "I have zero liability" Of course, that's not true. But it's like when we they found a reference to a communist organization in a state government document here recently and the explanation was, "It was a very lengthy document." Media says, "Ok! No more questions needed!" I find this line of commentary pretty funny, actually.
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