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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 10 months ago
    Why is it people can believe a little weasel of a liar like Fauci and don't believe a high placed Chinese defector who says COVID is a BIOWEAPON released on us intentionally by the Chinese? When did the Occidental brain ever understand anything done by an Oriental brain?
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 10 months ago
      +1. Just so you will may know and you may know it anyhow, Marxist Woke Jokes who would rule the rest of us has proclaimed that to say "oriental" is racist while saying "Asian." is not.
      That must mean that any and all Asians employed by the Oriental Express restaurant chain are a bunch of sorry racists! That means their jobs should be cancelled. Duh, yeah, comrades!
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 10 months ago
    This explains a lot. The same psychology behind Trump Derangement Syndrome, which many still suffer regardless of how many absurd lies in the MSMM are exposed.
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  • Posted by Lucky 2 years, 10 months ago
    Good analysis.
    Defining the enemy as the unvaxed or the anti-vaxers comes after the first step. This is a vast fear campaign against the virus -or anything, it could be valid but if invented it is easier to make up fear-porn stories.

    Speaking up is right but not enough, getting thru to the unthinking consumers of mass media is needed, but how? Censorship and controls are tightening.
    Making alliances may be way out, even with those who have weird views but agree on crucial issues such as no vax mandates.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 10 months ago
    What is the counter at the top of the page about this content disappearing in xx hrs yy min and zz sec? Is this their page or Googles?

    Separately the discussion seems very made up: The US death toll goes from 20k to 375k with a flip of the wrist, and then the COVID death toll goes from 800K to 380K in another wave of the hand. The paper is filled with "noise" about ingredients, but no data or analysis is presented.

    NO DOUBT, the COVID deaths are over reported. NO DOUBT the vaccine injuries and harm are under reported. NO DOUBT the approvals for the vaccine are unprecedented. However, this paper and it's authors lack credibility.

    Stephanie Seneff is a computer scientist. I wouldn't let most CS majors work on my car (although no doubt they have opinions). The other author is a Naturopathic Oncologist. Here is the web page for their board:
    These are probably the same people that suggested to Steve Job that he cure his pancreatic cancer by eating carrots (teasing, but only a little).

    I took the vaccine, and stand by my decision. It is not worse than the disease. I'm not dying from this jab, COVID before or after), the flu or some progressive wanting a scuffle.

    However, this vaccine should not be mandated.

    Many here are anti-abortion. Has anyone here recently reread Roe-vs-Wade, and compared the decision against a vaccine mandate? How can any court support a vaccine mandate with the Roe-vs-Wade precedent? The majority decision specifically notes that the beginning of life of the fetus is not necessary to decide for the decision. How can ANYONE support Roe-vs-Wade and simultaneously vaccine mandates?
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  • Posted by $ 2 years, 10 months ago
    We know this but it's interesting that Dr Malone sees this also and he's right, the only way is to engauge people long winded discertations on covid etc...just do something locally and "Re Connect".
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 10 months ago
    Carl, I don't think this is like being pregnant where you must wait nine months to see what you get. I think we already know what it is, but can't really believe it is actually happening.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 10 months ago
      My wife fits in that category...takes in the info but still questions why she doesn't hear it elsewhere...she is still in denial that the lamestream is complicit for one reason or another: corrupt, stupid or afraid of getting fired for sharing what they know to be true.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 2 years, 10 months ago
    Fauci is one mentally ill monkey, does he ever wonder why many doctors and healthcare workers are getting fired or why they are leaving the medical facilities they have been working at? The DC administration is living in another world as our health institutions are collapsing. It almost seems that the radical Dems are following the commanding statements on the strange set of stone slabs known as the Georgia Guidestones. Depopulation and genocide of the world population, Fauci is following those statements to the letter. He seems to be a follower of Joseph Mengele - The Angel of Death!
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  • Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 10 months ago
    My brother just landed in the hospital with a heart attack. He's a licensed personal trainer in his mid-50's, eats right, exercises daily and is being held over longer because his platelet count is too low. Yes, he's been vaccinated, and I wonder if that is what's causing the problem. That report listed reactions that the news media can never even allude to, including low platelet count.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 10 months ago
      Hope he heart goes out to you.
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      • Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 10 months ago
        Thanks Carl. With six brothers and two sisters younger than I, my worry bone keeps very busy. My brother Mark passed earlier this year, the docs saying it was some form of cancer, but he had the shots and he was killed by a tremendous amount of blood that filled his brain. He lost the ability to clot. There is no way in or out of hell that my husband and I will ever take that shot.
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  • Posted by Turfprint 2 years, 10 months ago
    What wonderous times we live in. Is it possible the Deep State tricked the whole population into being guinea pigs? Some madman standing in front of the whole world leading us like an orchestra conductor? Everything relying on the packaging to make the facts.
    BTW Obama can deliver a speech well. Reminded me of the puppet defendant sitting on the attorney's knee in the scene from Chicago.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 10 months ago
      Not the 'whole population', yet.
      The unvaxxed are the critically needed 'control' group for the rational, scientific analysis of experimental drug effectiveness and dangerous side effects.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 10 months ago
    My daughter-in-law tested positive for c19 last night. She has been vaxxed, boostered, and had it back when this whole thing started. Why they keep calling this injection a vaccine is very strange to me. It doesn't build immunity, it has no live or dead virus for the immune system to react properly to, all it does is compromise the immune system. Of course I really do know why they call it a vaccine. If they called it by its right name, no one would get the shot. I choose to call it the immunity blocker.
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